Resisting Is Futile Feb. 1-9

Resisting Is Futile    February 1-10, 2016

“Don’t resist change in February” is a wise mantra for us all. The transformative energies bringing us personally to greater consciousness and perception can easily be seen in the world’ social upheaval, and the loud squawking here in our home- election process.

The upcoming New Moon on Feb. 8, will not provide a darkly quiet, inner space of peace. Rather it is alive with electric charge for change. It’s Aquarian energy loves the intense focus on transformative consciousness, loving nothing better than to provide a bridge for new intention and focus. If you feel your body pulling back to resist the unknown, look at old wounds that may fuel that resistance. Where does the fear come from? Can you objectify and step away long enough to cut its unconscious patterns? Can you sooth your sensory body with small, relentless habits of comfort and healing?

Here to help us make mo’ bettah medicine is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, configured with the New Moon, as well as Jupiter ~conjunct the nodal axis. This is only to say-there is help. Reach for it. Feel that each scary step is being supported by unseen angels rooting for your regeneration. Open to compromise, not extremes. We are all frightened enough without poking the bear. Listen for the soft inner guidance that signals new life is being triggered; the soul engaged. Perhaps it is time to make a commitment to go after a spiritual goal, to strengthen your commitment to your passionate Self?

Practices this Week:  Perhaps the upcoming Shakti Yoga Dance Spring training is what your mind and body seek for regeneration~ & workshops/Intensive training.  If that is too big a bite to contemplate this week, work with the top four chakras: 4th-heart/Anahata, 5th– throat/Vishuddha, 6th-Third Eye/Ajna, and the crown or 7th -chakra/the Sahasrara. Sit quietly and let your breath flow from one wheel to the next, connecting inner spaces, filling them with light, listening to intuitive whispers that emerge.

Call your physical Practice to support the internal opening. Play creatively within your Yoga. Balance front to back and side to side with opposing asanas. Breathe consciously through every move. If muscle or joints hurt, spend more time in the pain or discomfort. Offer extra care and love to those parts. And when you finish and ‘do’ savasana, don’t ‘do’ anything. Become nobody. Empty out.

Shakti Yoga Dances go to Spain:    ‘La Chica de Portada’/Cover Girl.





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