A Wonderful Week to Ask Questions! March 15-21



The plethora of Pisces influence speaks of transcendence, suffering, sacrifice, service, compassion, disillusionment and the great escape. The ability to merge is wonderful for sharing ideas and emotion. Not so great if boundaries and structure are weak.  One can become completely lost to Self.  If you are meditating, or envisioning creative work, this is an opportunity for mindfulness that inspires to move you forward. Ask: What & who inspire me? How can I offer that to others?

Just as with Full Moon oppositions, we have an oppositional energy, a balancing- as it were, to this flood of Neptunian water. Uranus, in Aires, joins Eris, (a dwarf planet- called ‘The Warrior Goddess,’ sometimes named ‘Goddess of Discord.’ Since She sits on top of my Venus, I prefer her title of warrior goddess.) These two in union not only call chaos and wild thinking front and center, they demand we show up and support Self, upholding our genius, and offering it to humanity. Ask: What does your warrior wear?  What is Her mantra?  How do you intend to enter battle? Know that you have assistance in the form of Mercury and Venus holding hand in Aires (mind joins heart.)  Saturn squares the Sun, which offers reality and structure for the ego.  Saturn may dampen and delay, with requests for harder work, and more responsibility, but as a leader, he’s one of the great teachers.

We inch to the arrival of Spring on the 20th.  Known as the Vernal Equinox, when transpersonal Pisces moves to very personal, “I Am” Aires. The days preceding and following Equinoxes and Solstices allow easier connection to higher dimensions, due to a reduction in the electro-magnetic field. Indeed, it’s a wonderful week for further questioning: What keeps me from being my own authority?  What do I need to make room for?  With heartfulness, and mindfulness in full flower, ask- what am I willing to give birth to?

Your Practice this week benefits from a face-off  of gentle VS demanding poses.  Take time to see not only how they support each other, but are the refuge of one another.  Feel the aspect of your Practice that joins you to your tribe, and in counter point, to that which creates personal muscle and mind.  How can you bring impersonal and personal into greater conscious connection and support with one another?  Choose three poses of each Yang/Yin energy to play with: https://dailybreathjournal.com/yoga_poses/restore-relax/  VS   https://dailybreathjournal.com/yoga_poses/arm-balances/

Your Birthday Week: As you were born a ‘cuspal body,’ with planets bridging Pisces/Aires energies, you are used to asking yourself many of the questions that have been proposed.  But take this deeper, as Venus Retrograde requests a deep inner dive into all your Pisces waters.  This may be a year when you feel your spirit-life expanding in ways that surprise you.  Some of this may include a greater interest in helping others heal, especially those who feel abandoned, and snubbed by much of society.  Let your vision open wider, and expect to see what you have been blind to.  Expect your guides to speak in louder voices. But don’t assume you know.  Check to make sure those voices come through light, not demons of mayhem. Ask where frustration and anger have congealed your generous heart.

Find answers to some of your questions at the  Up Coming~ Shakti Yoga Dance Workshop~April 29-30. A weekend, at the end of the Venus Cycle, to celebrate dances of relationship!  To register, or for further information email: samcatcam@gmail.com

March 15, Wed. 5:15 & 7:00 PM classes at Laughing Dog in Wellesley, will balance Yin to Yang~ soulful to physical, as well as offering soft back stretches for those who have had to dig themselves out from under.

 March 18, Sat. 8:30 AM  Class at Blue Lotus Yoga in Needham, will balance Yin to Yang~ soulful to physical. As always, we hone our healing intelligence with a Shakti Yoga Dance.  This week we continue to embody emotions in the Fado song, “Sem Saber,” Without Knowing.

If you wish to look at your life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view, consider an Astrological tune-up. Grow past/present/future understanding with compassionate awareness.    samcatcam@gmail.com




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