Buddha’s Wesak Moon May 9-16


Despite its gentle Taurus mantle, this May is more ‘my o my’ than Ferdinand would like, particularly in the days around the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon of the 10th.   This is the all important Wesak Moon, celebrating Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death, and as such contains energy to accelerate our growth. It’s helpful that many believe his spirit comes close to the earth at Wesak, in order to facilitate light-work.  According to the Theosophist, Alice Bailey, a great spiritual hierarchy gathers in the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas “to support human evolution, and that Wesak links east and west, Buddha and Christ, Shamballa and Hierarchy, purpose and love.”  Take time to align with this consciousness lying in wait within.

The Scorpio/Taurus polarity can be intense in pushing us to deeper recognitions.  Their duality is filled with desires to leave old patterns behind, and embrace more loving relationships. Scorpio is a deep diver of endings. Taurus is passion-filled in beginnings of lush fertility, (in Northern hemisphere).  In short, they are the inseparable opposites of life and death. Expect not only the light of this Full Moon to egg on many ahaaaa moments of a transformative nature, but we have more geomagnetic storms, disrupting earth’s atmosphere, as well as our own. *(Geomagnetic notes –Shimmy Shakin’ New Moon, April 25-May 2, dailybreathjournal.com)  Again, and again, the Universe is asking us to change, to recognize how and why we are in such trouble, and how we personally might step into greater consciousness.

Pluto in Capricorn, as ruler of the Scorpio Moon, is presenting extremes of power-ideology to the world’s rulers, CEO’s and authority-hungry people.  It is asking, ‘how bad can I be before you stop me?’ It says, ‘power over others is a good thing, as long as I’m in charge.’  It asks, who is your final authority, and what keeps it from being you? Plutonion forces leave nothing untouched in their driving desires to transform.  Even death is OK with Pluto if you come to understand your patterns of power and victimhood; greed without generosity, and issues of might   makes right. The Moon in this regenerative face off, adds her emotional intensity.  We feel, we hunger, we rage!

*I owe some of this information to a wonderfully explorative Astrologer, Stephanie Austin, at EcoAstrology.com

Your Practice This Week:  Use the Full Moon’s inspiration to ask, ‘would the Buddha be proud of my time on the mat? Does it take me inward to console spirit, as well as outward into the physical? Is it a supportive road-map calling in new life? Is my Practice full and rich, redolent as this Wesak Moon, or have I wynched it down to only physically safe asanas? Is my relationship with my Practice balanced/transformative/joyous?

If your Birthday is this week: Spirit is just waiting for you to call it in.  Don’t miss the opportunity to clarify your life not only spiritually, but around relationships of power, growth, and how to become your own best authority.  All Full Moons are about relationship. View the year as an opportunity to understand what you want your in relationships, how you wish them to grow, and how they can flourish.

Astrological consultation:  If you wish to look at your life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view, consider soul-time with Samantha Cameron. Discover tools of compassionate awareness for past/present/future understanding.  Email  samcatcam@gmail.com


May 10- Wed. 5:15 & 7:00 PM classes at Laughing Dog Wellesley. We are leaning in to feel more power, and how to best use it.  The can-do is laced with mindfulness. We will, of course howl the Full Moon into her luminous light.  A great reminder of the animal body living within.

May 13, Sat. 8:30 AM ~ Class at Blue Lotus Yoga in Needham.  With an explorative Sag Moon, we shal explore our personal power-grid to observe how the physical can lead us toward mindfulness. The new dance, Spirit Cradle, is a perfect of Buddha’s Wesak Moon.

May 15, 10:30 AM at the Studio, One Edson in Natick, Pilates on the mat.







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