December 10-20

In Astrology, squares shift perspectives and build muscle, if they don’t take us down.  The on-going square of Pluto and Uranus is with us strongly throughout December. Think fear vs. rebellion/ power vs individuality.  Think late 60’s counterculture quantum leaping. Along with that instability, we are toward the Solstice, with a New Moon in Capricorn re-boot.

It’s a good time to re-visit the Wizard’s manual as one of the spiritual jobs of Capricorn is to become resourceful, and responsible to an inner integrity.  Capricorn energy primarily deals with worldly status and power.  Pluto also manipulates power.  Ergo, one of December’s dictates is to ‘use our authority wisely,’ to mobilize power over self, not over others.  As we prepare for the Winter Solstice and New Moon of Dec. 20-21, we move from the ebullience of Sagittarius and its fiery expansiveness, to an earthy, practical, demanding Capricorn groundswell.

Because of the many energy shifts all month, use your Yoga to stay grounded.  The high energy voltage of the planets urges action, often accompanied by breakthroughs, and or breakdowns.  Take five minutes for a Pranayama practice that nurtures the solar plexus, and first 2-3 chakras. Include standing poses where your sole grows roots into the earth, while the drishti remains clear and cool-sighted. Remain in poses longer, deepening and opening their energy.