MAKE LESS~MORE! Sept. 9-17



  • With new structures in place, and ambition re-kindled, we move into greater responsibility, with a willingness to take a place in society. Saturn Direct!

The magical New Moon suspended, unseen in the night sky, asks we perceive less as more. Virgo, the high priestess of harvest, separates wheat from chaff to enrich daily bread.

This is a New Moon of sacred geometry, and abundance, despite its difficulties. Light your candle, and show the way!

Venus leaves the grace and balance of Libra, a sign she rules, to drop into the underworld of Scorpio.


This New Moon is not only powerful in her own right, but she plays the prelude to upcoming Fall Equinox, Sept. 23, when night and day are in perfect balance. This weekend we are being licensed to live out loud. This license is one of practical simplicity, and magical manifestation. It is loud in desires to manifest from an authentic self, rather than operatic high notes. Virgo energy is interested in the healing we are here to accomplish in order to be whole. Her focus is through daily habits, perfecting and refining work, and health, plus thinking and communicating in precise, and refined ways,

Virgo is the sign ruling the intestines, therefore the digestive system, which is where all health originates as we learn to eliminate what is non-essential. It is one of the connective energies between body and mind, regulating sleep, appetite, and mood. When the gut ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! If you maintain a practice of asking your gut first, you may get a more profound answer than what the brain offers. ‘Simple’ becomes more important as the world re-images complex algorithms into endless twisted binary forms.

Despite the New Moon being desirous of simplicity, it is strongly connected to outer planetary forces, creating complex demands. It stands opposite Neptune, which is likely to bring wetter weather. Neptune also whispers, ‘spirit matters.’ This can be a practical spiritual practice, calling for balance between finite and infinite; for collaboration between personal and social.

Another planetary pull is its relationship to Uranus, ‘cowboy of the zodiac.’ This connection can create wacky, unstable weather, just as it pushes us into being unstable. But it’s here to shift perception. Don’t rely on the past to form your present POV! Uranus kicks us over cliffs to risk higher revolution and resolution.

The other big daddy is Pluto, which fortunately supports the New Moon. Even with a connection of flow, the dark lord asks us look within at Virgo’s dark side, asking; “Are you giving away too much of self, becoming a sacrificial lamb, then resenting it? Who is your omnipotent critic? Who died and put you in charge?” All of us need to look at these questions, but they are especially difficult for those with strong Virgo energy. It is a balance between refining and criticizing.

Pluto has extra duty as ruler of Venus, now moving through Scorpio. Lovely Venus as left charming Libra in order to be more the Mata Hari of dangerous liasons. Venus here is secretive, sexy, and often manipulative. This is not necessarily a bad thing. She prefers to move from power and control, and is willing to take out a long knife to cut away who and what she no longer loves.

Remember to be simple. Lift your light high in every minute, even when it feels there’s no light to be had. Pull in faith to support your shine, and know you your light is brighter when standing against a dark sky. Rumi’s vision was: “Your body is woven from the light of heaven.”



ON THE MAT: It’s a week born of magic flowing from this New Moon. Feel abundant as you use your Virgo-dial to reveal how best to better care for yourself on the mat AND off. Every New Moon offers a template to better habits and practices. This one especially! Backing Virgo discretion is the diligence of Saturn to keep us in the habit. Their grounded practicality supports new ideas, and patterns. Make the mat a healing journey!

YOUR BIRTHDAY WEEK: Be brave- move on with gusto! Listen to your new found wisdom that comes from a deeper and wider connection to self, and the daily practices you are forming for wholeness. Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are potent archetypes of mastery that will ring your bell all year! You will also be in a working relationship with self-healing, which will change your relationships. Venus is prominent as she moves into Scorpio demanding you pay attention to manipulation in partnering, and money-honey. The New Moon decrees a new birth, a new template of the year ahead, all things Virgo: habits, health, refinement, and ‘chooseyness.’ Become the Goddess, or God of your harvest!


SEPT. 12, 5:15 & 7 pm Wed. night classes at Laughing Dog will move deeply from the gifts of this New Moon, and the celebration of Rosh Hashannah.

SEPT 15, Saturday class, 9AM- weather permitting? Stay tuned. If it rains, we head inside for 8:30 and 10 AM classes. If interested, The Studio at One Edson, Natick.

Sept. 26, 9-1 pm, Advanced Techniques, The studio at One Edson, Natick. This seminar explores alignment & anatomy of shoulder girdle in a variety of poses; 200 hour CEU hours, & for those interested in deepening their practice.

 Sept 27, 8-9 AM Mat Pilates fall re-boot! The studio at one Edson,

 Astrological Consultations:   Planetary wisdom offers a timely look at one’s life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view. As you begin fall’s journey asking, “How do I wish to use my inherent genius? How can I move more deeply into my healing? How do I plan an abundant future?” Then let us swim in your life together, in wonderful discovery. Email


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