Navigating Sea Change Oct. 21-27

This week, preparing for another Super Full Moon on the 27th, we must act. We must put muscle into seeds and ideas instigated at the last New Moon. We have uber-energies amplifying this. A major push-pull shaking the tree is a difficult connection between the god of change and chaos, Uranus, and the god of structure and discipline, Saturn. When set against one another, their tension makes us struggle with being real, being responsible, sticking with the rules VS rebellion, thinking outside the box, and anarchy. Usually, we find ourselves at the end of a rope when cutting ourselves free of old restrictions is the only way to save our life.

During this week ask yourself; Can I be creative and intuitive if familiar structures disappear? Can I see potential, instead of fear? Can I be patient for the unknown to become manifest? Thursday, 22, is the high point of energy, easing off Friday, if we can let go the details and not stir up a fight. By Sunday, 25, we have more joy-juice and possible healing from Venus-Jupiter holding hands in Virgo. We may also see a new path, a better angle by then if we can open our minds to a wider vision.

Your Practice this week:   Frankly, I’m using the mat to go upside down and hop around on my hands. I need a new point of view. I need an antidote to depression. I need a prod to shift toward greater consciousness. I need to allow and accept transitions.

Spending time up side down works, even if it’s only Adho Mukha Svanasana/Down Dog. It makes me happier to kick it up from there, either in ‘handstand-sparkles’ or the real thing: Adho Mukha Vrksasana/Handstand. If I feel the need to increase muscle as well as viewpoint, I kick into Pincha Mayurasana/Feathered Peacock Pose.

To finish breaking old chains, there’s nothing better than Urdhva Dhanurasana/Backbend Pose. Not only do I feel the freedom of letting my head hang free, but I have to open the heart, I have to support this hard won wheel by the integrity of muscle and alignment. It’s not possible to be depressed and work this pose, just like it’s not possible to worry and chant. Choose! One or the other.

All these poses are found:

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat as we shake, rattle and roll out the new.


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