Neptunian Pirates & The Scurvy Crew Dec. 5~12

We held our monthly Salon last night to try and discuss what this election offers, and demands of our inner journey, not the politics of right and wrong within society. We failed rather miserably, getting lost in myriad opinions of what was wrong, and who was ‘wronger.’ Drowning in a multi-layered sea of realities is part of Neptune’s ‘learning, and looms large with its square to Saturn, 2011-2025. Another Salon-issue was trying to sort out feelings of friends and families who had ‘betrayed’ us by voting for ‘the other.’ The great divide was so divisive, we could not leap across and deal with the issue as a political/social event. It had become a personal demolition derby. Some of this magnification comes from the tail-flicking of the Uranus/Pluto square that kicked the world into its present upheaval. (2012-2015)

Indeed, it is a time of being lost, destabilized, and angry. And God knows we swim with lots of bad of company. Last night’s questions remain yet unanswered; What can I do to find inner resolution and compassion for a world I am furious with? How do I stop pointing the finger at you, and rotate it 180 degrees toward me, and my disowned shadow? How can I become the Captain of my own ship, despite the raging seas, broken compass, and scurvy crew~or, perhaps because of that? We are in deep Neptunian seas for a long time. We are at the end of the Piscean age, and have not yet found our bearings for the Aquarian Age.

Remember the opening phrase from Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities? “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.” This was back in 1859, during the 20 years that Neptune last swam through Pisces. (1847-1862) Part of our incredulity and despair is that not much has transformed. Not nearly what we hoped and thought had changed. The Tale of Two Cities took place just before the French Revolution, as they struggled to find a way through the Neptunian incoherence of poverty and hopelessness.

There is good news. There is always the other half; the choice to be made. The other half of Neptunian delusion and illusion is spirit and oneness. Her sea-changes offer multitude-means to come together. Last time Neptune was in Pisces, railroads, photography, migrations from starvation, and the industrial revolution made us clash and grow. Now we are learning to manage the technology of social media, and its lack of truth or consequences. We are again frightened because old boundaries, and safety nets are no longer in place. We can’t go back, and we can’t see or understand the future. I say it’s time to become a Pirate and take to the seas with our favorite scurvy crew!

*My thanks to Rich Humbert at Celestial Weather, for offering the long view of planetary influences and tides. Such an intelligent ‘weather-eye.’


Dec 7th~5:15~ Level I-II  AND  7:00 ~Level II-III   Vinyasa Flow evening at Laughing Dog Yoga, 159 Linden st. Wellesley. Remembering and releasing the destruction of Pearl Harbor, then Nagasaki. Moving from a past of pain toward healing, over and over.

Dec. 10th, 8:30 Sat. Mornings at Blue Lotus Yoga, 945 Great Plain Ave. Needham. Level II-III A morning of breathe and dance to invigorate muscle, invoking the resilient heart to flow strong and red.

 Note: Holiday Collection bowl in Classes: Please add to our gold bowl of donations. Money going to  ‘Humanity Crew Org.’ which has been on the ground in Greece the past three years. This is a personal gift for many of us who know Becky Thompson who has been in Greece helping Humanity.

Shakti Yoga Dance Workshops & European Teacher Training 2017

Madrid, Spain, Feb. 3-5, 2017. Taught in English & Spanish. CEU credits-YA.

Valencia Spain, Bikram Yoga, Feb 17-18, 15 hours,

Shakti Yoga Dances Master Classes at the Yoga Congreso de Valencia, Feb 11-12.

Shakti Dances in Avignon, France, Jan. 29.

Come Join the Dance! Questions?


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