Once In A Blue Moon~ July 27-August 3

The ‘Blue Moon’ on July 31 contains energy to shake us lose in all manner of ways, especially loosening old emotional dictates so we can risk new heartfelt direction and intention.  A ‘Blue Moon’ is not Astrological or heavenly, it is a ‘calendar event,’ simply signifying more than one Full Moon in a month’s time. I believe the term is from an editor at the Farmers Almanac who used a blue pencil to circle any ‘extra’ Full Moons in a month. The symbol remains one of relating to a rare, or unusual event, and that is part of this Full Moon’s theme.

Following the ‘reversal’ of Venus and Uranus over the weekend, we are now all aboutadjusting.  Not only are Venus-thoughts on partnering, finances and self worth in review, but our wishful thinking may need a re-set.  How you think it should be is adjusting to how it is.  This is not easy.  What we want is~ simple.  But straight forward it ain’t.  All the wishing in the world is not going to change it.  This is a good time to deep dive into underground channels of the emotional spirit and come up with better answers.

With Mars in Cancer, our responses tend to be more defensive. … think sideways movement like a Crab.  Security is a bigger issue, as are home, tribe and mom.  Mars represents commitment, anger, drive, and sexuality.  While in Cancer, as well as in a relationship with Neptune, we struggle to balance assertion and defensiveness; our own emotional needs with those of others; and being crafty V.S. being clear.

The Leo~let’s be creative, child-like and loving Sun, opposes the collaborative Aquarian Moon, who wishes us to become peers and equals in a better world.  One is deeply personal, the other~impersonal.  It is a polar path asking we transcend: country, culture, race, sex, religion, even politics.  The hope is that when we put a Leo heart behind the Aquarian/Uranian ability to leap out of old boxes toward the unknown, we leap more handsome in our humanity, and a je ne sais quoi joie de vivre of, “I am who I am, unique, wonderous, alive.”

The Yoga invitation for the mat is to continue last week’s heart-opening asanas, (go to dailybreathjournal.com check out Astrology-bottom corner) including Pranayama from the Anahata/heart chakra, as well as moving intention up to the Vishuida/throat chakra, so we speak from the heart.  It is a propitious time to be crazy on the mat, hence Shaktidances, Poplockin’ s sassy fun.  Let your crazy creativity link asanas in unusual ways, sparking your creative genius.

dailybreathjournal.com publishes anew come Friday~vibrating the transformative ethos of this Uranian-Solar Full Moon.  Can’t wait to hear what you think.

Donate to Pan Mass Challenge against cancer via wonderful Kate Badertscher. She rides for us all this Saturday!  Website ispmc.org.  Click Donate and then type in her name.


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