Power Struggles And Potential For Healing

July 7-15

Yes, I know you are stretching beyond your comfort zone.  Yes, you are embracing new aspects of yourself that may not yet fit.  Yes, the evolutionary wake up call has your name inscribed on it.  Yes, old dogmas are dying.  The ephemeral moment of your life is now, so wakey-wakey.  If you are still sleepy~ then this week offers possibilities of a drop kick Ah-haaa.

The Sun aligns with the heaven’s brightest fixed star Sirius, while opposing Pluto and moving to square Uranus. You may feel overwhelmed for no reason you can name. You may have dreams that divine new pathways, or restless nights of odd fears.  You may be more willing to purge the dross and align through spirit.  Pluto is the deep sea diver that opens this week and Uranus is the break though-Mama that closes it.  In between we have planetary opportunity to re-think our patterns and desires so we can take advantage of out of the box Uranian insights moving us into new territory.

Sirius is called the ‘cosmic heart of the physical Sun.’  In aligning with the Sun, it provides opportunity for union of ego and spirit.  When standing your mat this week, weave inhale and exhale connections for pathways serving growth.  Sidle your divine nature alongside ego and identity.  In this reflective last quarter Moon, before the New Moon of July 15, spend quiet time to feel into your conduits of growth and change. Don’t be surprised by power struggles, or splendid Ahaaa moments of intuitive breakthroughs.  Go upside down as often, and in as many ways as possible.  This opens up new points of view, and allows shifts in perspective.  If revolution is in the air, pick up the flag and march on as a spiritual warrior.


The week’s ‘Breath’ coming  Thurs 9th at:  dailybreathjournal.com  This site is getting a total design overhaul, so if you wish to view the present dailybreathjournal before it radically changes, view now.

Here are two causes that can put your dollars to great use, and support two wonderful women of our tribe.

Please donate to upcoming Pan Mass Challenge to fight cancer in wonderful Kate Badertscher’s name. many miles proud. The website is pmc.org.  Click Donate and then type in her name.

The up and running gofundme site for Ilene Hawk is (http://www.gofundme.com/yjx7fv8r) lend your support as she re-boots to a new life, after a fiery destruction of the old

She is still looking for an apartment, so if you hear of anything in the general area please notify her, or me.  Thanks.

 If you wish a fabulous massage~here’s her new office:

Dear Clients,   For those of you that don’t know, I am back at work in a new space in Wellesley.  The address is 148 Linden Street, Suite 101 Wellesley MA 02494.  My old office phone is turned off, so please reach me at 781 405-7281 or email ilenehawk@gmail.com.   My online scheduler is up and running. If you have questions please let me know.     

Thank you for all the support, Ilene