Practical Dreams Nov. 3-9

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

Fall requires a reorientation, or perhaps it’s a de-conditioning of what was in order for the final phase of a year to complete. This week, as days in the Northern hemisphere close down to earlier darkness, moving us inexorably toward the end of 2015, we also move into a Solar-Lunar last Quarter Phase in preparation for next week’s New Moon. I feel we have all struggled with potent changes the cosmos demanded of this year, and once again-fall is asking us to struggle with the structure of consciousness itself. The crises in consciousness that comes with every Third Quarter phase imbues these days.

The undercurrents of this relatively peaceful week are imbued with the year’s transformative stretch. Once again we have an amplified influence of Virgo energy which includes Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Heed the warning~ don’t let perfection kill your desire or impetus. Be discriminating about the myriad choices, and grateful Virgo’s refined, practical hand balances Scorpio’s cutting intensity. If we are intelligent about offered energies, we can integrate their positive and negative qualities, for planets, like ourselves are two faced, at the very least. ( for more information~ Astrology/Fall Quadrant)

It is a week to stretch between deep psychological roots/Scorpio, and the blue sky of a wider consciousness/Jupiter. Consider applying practical imagination to inform a daily routine. If we use Venus in Virgo wisely, we can form nourishing daily habits to acomplish what we love. We might also explore ways to be of service that support and fund our value. Venus moves into Libra on Sunday. Before she shifts, utilize this helpful energy. With a Virgo Mars -until Nov. 13th, plan the attack carefully, then dream your victory. Analyze how you wish to commit to the upcoming cycle. With Jupiter uncomfortably parked in Virgo until 2016, take advantage of balancing its exaggerated confidence to being overly critical. It’s a great week to be optimistic, AND discerning about flights of fantasy as you attend to details.

Toward Thursday-Friday, be prepared for a surprise, or two as Jupiter quincunxes Uranus. This simply means we may be challenged to adjust, and shift our perceptions about something or someone. Perhaps what/who we viewed as perfect has a crack? Remember, cracks let the light in.

Your Practice this week:   Formulate effective energetic changes in your practice with the support of the cosmos. Heed the Socrates quote as you stand the mat, and implement healthy, fulfilling, healing routines. New judgment calls are not only for your physical practice, but the decisions you are dreaming that carry you toward 2016.

Personally, when I lack the courage to call dreams into reality, I often move into Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon Pose. There is something luminous about its power to root me into the earth, allowing freedom to fly boldly. As I open skyward, I feel un-fettered by the past. My body expands, the heart lifts, and there is room inside for the new dance to begin.( yoga/poses/balancing.)


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