Quandries of Re-assessment & Review

June 1-8

We enter June to the large light of a Full Moon in a Sagittarius~Gemini polarity.  With fortune on our side, or better, inside, we have opportunity to see and understand some of the primal values we have been struggling with since the Taurus New Moon, May 17.  Because Mercury continues retrograde in Gemini until June 11th, this remains a time of: inconsistencies, re-assessment, reviews, with hopefully some enlightening moments. If you are working real world limitations vs. dreams of perfection, it’s a good time to be re-thinking, re-structuring, and questioning old quandaries.  If you are asking: where am I going? Why? How shall I get there? When? Or if you’ve lost your keys, been surprised by old friends, and experienced tech-snafus….you are in good company.

Since the past is no longer a roadmap to the future, review often feels futile, or worse ~ confusing.  Yet slowing down and re-centering are musts if we are to deepen and expand future choice. The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 2nd, shines greater light into our uncertainties, our philosophy of old fears.  It also provides yin/yang polarities to openly share these fears with another, and possibly develop more nourishing benchmarks.  If we are wise, under this ‘philosophical bright light’ we open sensibilities to non-linear, intuitive, physical worlds for best and brightest information.

Be not discouraged if what you planned has not yet manifested.  Events are delayed   because Neptune remains a big player of the energetic field. (It squares four planets at the Full Moon.) Look to the spiritual, seek answers in what lies below the surface.  There you will find signs of progress.  Celebrate your wisdom through Rudra, the governing fire deity, whose seed sound, or bīja is ~Ü (“ooh”). Tune your inner eye, the Third Eye, to perceive non-intellectual, innovative emotional responses.

Call the mat as a magic carpet for meditations. Nourish confused, over-whelmed bodies with restorative poses, practice the powerfully cooling and exhilarating Pranayama, Sitali.                        For Sitali: sit tall, extend the tongue and curl lengthwise, as though forming a straw.  Inhale through this straw, then relax the tongue, close the mouth to hold inhale in a short Kumbhaka.  Exhale with an Ujjayi breath through the nostrils, listening to the sound as it rises up- off the palate.  Practice for 5 minutes if you are a beginner. Lie back and surrender in Savasana.

Classes this week will Practice a primarily Yang energetic, with extra moments for Pranayama and Savasana, healing polarities for the physical heat.