Review the Benefits’

May 20~June 1

Yes, we do feel a té uneasy when Mercury goes retrograde. Despite computer glitches, car issues, and misunderstandings that often accompany these retrogrades, there are gifts within Mercury’s three inward-turning weeks.  1. You often hear from old friends…offering an opportunity to re-vitalize valued friendships.  You realize how much you miss them, and review who you were back when you were pals.  2. The lord of communication coming to a halt, makes time and grace for introspection/retrospection. Gifts hard to come by these days.  3. Mercury retrogrades offer body/ mind opportunities to get clear about what’s important, what’s in the way, and space to clear out old debris. When we do move forward, it’s with stronger visions and clearer sensibility. 4. If the car acts up, it’s informing us to fix.  If we don’t re-vamp the mechanics, it might become more serious.

You may have noticed some snafus and slowing down around May 4, when Mercury began the ‘shadow’ process before coming to a halt.  The planet of communication and transportation formally stopped May 18, and will not re-boot forward until June 11.  It will come out its ‘shadow phase June 27,  when we shall be aware of correct action.

Another energy affecting our insights at this times is ~Pluto opposing Venus and sesquisquare the Sun.  This says, be clear about desires, and motivations.  Don’t assume, or ride roughshod over others because you can; Power and love, control and bonding go hand in hand. Often, something about bad behavior during a Mercury retrograde comes back to bite us in the butt.  We are re-turned to the scene of our crime. Venus with Pluto creates moments of transformational bonding and understanding, or rends us asunder. It’s powerful, demanding we own ‘shadow selves,’ bringing hidden parts of psyche to light.

During these three weeks, let your Practice be one of review and re-vamping.  Wiggle into old poses with a different attitude, re-considering new gifts you wish from the mat.  During this first week of the retrograde, with the added power of the New Moon, and the Venus/Pluto face-off, make exhales consciously longer, let go old angers, old regrets.

Use the Apan Vayu Mudra, also called the ‘lifesaver. (Bend index fingers into base of thumb, with tip of middle and ring finger touching tip of thumb.)  This mudra not only supports the physical heart, but offers nourishment in taking quiet time, and re-evaluating life, the connective life of the heart.