Revised Visions   March 13-19

This is a week when energetically we are turning within, especially those of us in the Northeast, as the third snowstorm in March lashes us in and down. But world-wide we are in a last Quarter Phase, moving toward the Pisces (last sign of the zodiac) New Moon, Sat. 17th. Sun and Moon conjoin Chiron, the ‘Wounded Healer,’ which asks we spend time accessing our gifts and our pain. What keeps us separate from source? This is a last Pisces pass for Chiron, who moves into Aires April This New Moon holds potential to move beyond dualistic thinking and open to a greater reality.

This is a week to prepare bodies and psyches for the regenerative Vernal Equinox, March 20. We are to dream, meditate, release, cleanse, and relax in order to know how to move forward. Another inner alignment is Mercury slowing to prepare her first 2018 Retrograde pass, Thurs. 22nd. Now is a good time to back up, sign important papers, if possible, and re-check forward motion, especially as the Sun in Pisces continues it’s side by side dance with Neptune, ruler of Pisces. We may be more than confused, as well as lacking in energy. We may also be creative, willing to write poetry, and music, dance the light fantastic, and cook up spirit recipes to nurture the soul.

We are revising visions that we held, or hoped for, at the beginning of the year. This current cycle may not be fluid, or easy, but much of the shifts, as displayed in the political world, are symbolic of those working within, making navigation difficult, yet hopefully pushing the world toward higher goals, more in keeping with soul-purpose. Many planetary set ups are challenging, drop-kicking us to refine goals, asking for deeper structural change, within and without. As difficult as big changes are, they free us to move on un-imprisoned by old terms and habits.

With Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio, (Jupiter also co-rules Pisces, tying in the New Moon, Chiron, and Neptune ) for upcoming four months, we are being asked to re-define our philosophy and ideas about things, especially social, or collective things. The teens rising for gun control, the Me Too Move, and States-Rights stepping in to protect individuals from deportation are archetypes of Jupiter re-defining a transformative (Scorpio) social ideology. Where we despair, we also hope. We recognize it is urgent to not give in to hopelessness, rather stand in our beliefs, expressing what is important. This may be a splendid new muscle in the making for many.

We are marching as never before. Surrounded by darkness, the cracks where light enters are more important than ever. In listening to opportunities to re-define goals, to reach toward higher potential, with greater insight, we turn within to hold ego gently, to assuage heart desires strongly. Refining our vision means we are willing to reveal a greater light, to accept the gifts of particular genius that each of us are accorded, and stand with courage as a shield.


This Week On The Mat:  As we close and soften the hard edges of our Practice, be more attentive to subtle body information. Use Pranayama, mudra, and mantra as ways to source, and ways to listen to self. Give over to the sweet flow within a Practice, letting it carry you beautifully toward new connections and consciousness. Feel your beauty, your harmony, your essential self grow from your re-aligning mat practices.

Your Birthday Week: As the night sky literally darkens, your inner light shines all the brighter. You are in a transformative time in your life, awakened to greater healing, due to Chiron’s holding hands with the New Moon. Any birthday around a New Moon portends a new life. This one asks you to not only deepen your inner light, but to cultivate and actively seek out what blocks that light. As a noble Pisces, you deal with duality, martyrdom, confusion, creativity, self-sacrifice, and spiritual dimensions at all times, but this year, decide how you wish to re-tool your assets and re-align what does not serve, creating a balanced portfolio. Please sing and dance your life force toward greater joy!


Wed. March 14 ~5:15pm –multi level, & 7 pm level II/III  ~ Laughing Dog, Wellesley, MA

Thurs. March 15~ 8:15 am- Multi-level class ~ Laughing Dog Yoga, Wellesley, MA

Thurs, March 15~ 10 am Pilates Mat. The Studio at One Edson, Natick.

Sat. March 17 ~classes at 8:30, level II-III, and 10:00 am- all levels. RSVP your space.

TBA due to snow cancellation: Advanced Techniques, 9 am-1:30 pm, The studio at One Edson in Natick. This seminar explores seated poses, with added layers of Pranayama and focus on the bandhas. Discussion and Practice of relationships in alignment & anatomy; Effective connective links between specific poses. It is an opportunity to break boundaries, to teach and share knowledge.

Astrological Consultations:   It’s always a good time to look at one’s life from an objective, non-judgmental point of view. Especially when the dust flies and the future looks unfamiliar. If you are asking, “What is my genius, and how do I wish to use it?  How can I move deeply into my healing? When do I make moves for success?”  Then let us swim in your life together, in wonderful discovery.  Email


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