Solstice Doorway Dec. 21-21

Today, Mon. Dec. 21, is the year’s shortest day. It is marked by the Sun’s entry into Capricorn. At 11:47 EST we enter winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The charts at each seasonal-door reveal energy patterns and themes the world will deal with in the coming three months. No surprise that this winter chart shows potent influences over Syria, Turkey, Moscow, and Greece. The US, along with Germany, Norway, Denmark and Italy have a strong Jupiter influence, which is to say, excess, over-expectation, and over-spending may be part of our issues.

The big shifts and transformational openings created by the on-going Uranus/Pluto square form a major backdrop to the upcoming time. I continue to remind you to think and act ‘outside of your usual box.’ Those that can, will have an easier time of assimilating the unexpected in the road ahead. Learning to create a more peaceful inner life out of daily mayhem is only going to grow more important. Helping us create that subtle sense of peace is a grand earth trine which grounds, and positively absorbs some of the chaos. The chaos is here to stay, it ain’t goin’ nowhere. Our job is to transform it into viable structures for use.

Preparing your body to cross the Solstice threshold and embrace the new season, the new year, the unknown life is what today asks. It’s what every day asks of us, eh? On Christmas Day, the Full Moon may reveal how best we can expand and embrace the Moon-Sun polarity of Cancer/Capricorn, signatures of: mother/father, home & family VS worldly position, inner life VS outer life, protection VS organization, as well as the elements of water VS earth. The changes we wish to make in these areas are given a huge kick in the keister by Uranus stationing with this Full Moon. It’s an Astrological ‘Yikes’! Once again. Are you ready for a quantum leap?

Since Uranus is the higher consciousness of Mercury, let us think esoterically. The Astrologer, Stephanie Austin, writes “Cancer is the Great Gateway in, the descent of the soul into human experience, while Capricorn is the Great Gateway out, the ascent and return to spiritual union…..The Cancer/Capricorn polarity describes the profound reorientation that results when we shift from thinking we are human beings trying to be spiritual, to knowing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Practice this week:  

Sit down in the middle of whatever chaos you are trying to finish. Better yet, find your mat and come home to Savasana. Come home to your inner sanctum and sit or lie, palms open, with thumb and fore finger touching to make the Jnana Mudra. If you wish more grounding, turn palms down and to create the Chin Mudra. Either one connects heaven and earth, or spirit to body, or cosmos to consciousness. Seal in and radiate that connection, breath the healing energy. After tonight, turn and embrace the growing light, both inner and outer, envision your new intentions.

Holiday Class Schedule

Wed. 23~ 5:15 & 7 PM  Laughing Dog, Linden, in Wellesley
Sat. 26~ 9 AM Solo class. Boxing Day Celebration at Laughing Dog, Linden, in Wellesley
Wed. 30 ~6:00 PM Solo class of Release & Renew, Laughing Dog,

2016 Advanced TechniqueTraining 2



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