Visions of Sugar Plums And Other Wise Dec. 15-22

Last week’s potent energies continue a bit more sub rosa, but they are affecting our electro magnetic fields. Have you noticed being more tired, with frayed nerve endings? It’s holiday mayhem along with planetary force fields refining and updating our shape. You may find yourself challenged to release traditions you thought were forever patterns. You may be surprised at new ideas expanding random thought. You might be considering a life direction you never imagined. Welcome to a Sagittarius Sun, amped by its ruler Jupiter, and a returning Pluto/Uranus square….political gobbledy-gook and confusion grow.

This may be a good week to reconsider why you are following the traditions you’ve always done. With Uranus involved, we yearn more freedom, and out of the box moves, quite foreign to family tradition. Neptune and Mars will be working together, not happily I might add. Remember whenever Neptune is involved we tend to idealize, and want magic, not reality. When Mars, planet of energy, commitment and libido, adds its voice to Neptune’s, we may react, or take action based on a chimera. Wait until after the Solstice if you are making an important move/decision. Another part of a holding off is because Venus and Pluto link, which can be power underlying secret deals. There can be a lot going on that is hidden, affecting wealth, friendships, your value, and there may be consequences to a deal that you can’t yet see.

Practice this week:  

A good use of mat-time is to get clear within. Use Asanas as containers that hold questions. Keep the practice simple enough so your mind can meditate. Keep it lively enough to engage the Mars force. Keep it creative and magical so Neptune is happy. Inhale the future~Exhale fear. Re-align inner commitment to move beyond the world’s violence. This seems a lot to ask of a Practice, but a practice is simply life. Yoga is a bridge where we walk back and forth into the castle, and out again into the forest where we meditate until a shift is possible.

If we query, ‘what shape do I want my life to have,’ then ask~what shape shall this Trikonosana take? The small beckons the large. On the mat, if I ask a fragile dream to grow more powerful, every time I show up, and put muscle toward that dream it grows less fragile. Are you practicing with creative intelligence, and absurd amounts of joyous love as 2015 closes? If not~there is still time. The Full Moon on Christmas Day calls us to shine and not only unwrap gifts but to offer ourselves, wrapped and beautiful. Begin practicing now!

Holiday Class Schedule

Wed. 16 and 23~ 5:15 & 7 PM Laughing Dog, Linden st., Wellesley

Sat. 19 and 26~ 9 AM Solo classes of celebration, Congregational Church, 2 Central st, Wellesley


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