Week’s energy of Nov. 25- Dec. 2nd

It is perfect that Thanksgiving is held during the weeks of Sagittarian energy.  They are both filled with idealism, optimism, generosity, good will, and abundance.  They are the respite before we enter Capricorn seriousness at the Solstice.  Part of this week’s idealism is also due to a Neptune-Sun square which can bring fogginess, and lack of initiative, but greater spirituality and unity.  On Sunday, Neptune squares Mercury making for mental confusion and a desire to do nothing more than eat left-overs by the fire. (Yes, you have permission.)  Both Jupiter that rules Sagittarius, and Neptune bring idealism, and rose colored glasses of illusion, but also support desires for one world/one spirit.  Walk the high way armed with a good GPS.

The emotional challenge this week is a Pluto/Saturn square which can challenge our status quo, or make us feel a bit overwhelmed with life.  Perhaps it is a dress rehearsal for Capricorn’s arrival, and or the upcoming perfection of life-changing Uranus/Pluto square, arriving Dec. 15th.   These two power-house planets have been changing and challenging our world for two years, and will move us all into the opening months of 2015, re-forming their perfection in March.  Their relationship is transforming us personally and the world over-all, asking we figure out a soul purpose, then take pragmatic steps for the evolutionary path.  It is time to make necessary changes, listening to what you really need and what you offer the world.