Yoga & Astrology of Transformation

Balance summer’s heat with Ayurvedic cooling waters.  For sharp, hot Pitta types especially ~massage with sweet oils, take longer breaths, and shady naps. For more information check out /wellness/indigestion.

Take time to digest and connect the inner lunar life to the powerful solar drive.

You may feel conflicting confusion over the weekend as the Moon aligns withUranus in Aires, and Mars, their ruler, squares Pluto which echoes the intensity of their previous clash in April.  This hot, confrontational energy is very different from the Sun conjunct a retrograde Mercury: one surges out, the other pulls in.

As part of your tribal Solstice ritual, visualize peace, and chant “shanti,” for the mid-east, Ukraine and S.E. Asia ~ the Solstice chart shows they are getting the full force of the three ‘Bad Boys:’ Mars, Uranus, and Pluto.

As part of your personal ritual, come into Samasthiti (standing still and centered.) Stay there.  Be totally present through the spastic, electric voltage charge upcoming  22nd-26th.  (Uranus and Mars squaring off)



Support the shift from forward-drive to lean-back mode:

Hold that Yoga is the unfolding of your heart, and that by breathing into every Asana with greater intention,  a new life is being revealed.

Listen to where breath wishes to create Asana, rather than forming through muscle and bone.

Sing, and or chant within the Practice, which not only forms breath differently, but calls emotion to embrace time on the mat.

Listening to the wailing of unfinished business, fears, and chaos. It doesn’t have to be fixed in this moment, just listen with acceptance and say, “Oh, isn’t that interesting.”

End Practice with a Shakti Dance, which always confirms the profound connections of spirit and body~mind and emotion which heals and sets us free.