Search Results for: Ustrasana

Heart Care

Care of the Heart & Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels.  There are many forms of dis-ease associated with the heart.  It is the number one health problem in the Western world, which makes a loud meta-statement about the state of love, for the heart is the symbol of love and security.  Metaphysically heart attacks are invited into a body when the joy is squeezed out.  When stress and fear outweigh nurturing and pleasure, the heart hardens. Clearly this is not the place to go into the many serious heart diseases, but it is a good space to create new possibilities of thinking about heart care.  It is the perfect time to consider dietary changes, create a different work space, and up-date exercise attitudes.  This is the most wonderful moment to call joy, and vibrancy into daily habits and ritual. Of course consult with your physician before taking anything, especially if you have heart and blood issues. Nutrients Important to the Cardiovascular System Coenzyme Q & Germanium improve oxygenation in the tissuesCalcium & Magnesium support the muscular aspect of the heartL Carnitine reduces triglycerides and fats in the bloodLecithin and Vitamin E-  Lecithin acts as a fat emulsifier, and E speeds its assimilation.Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, and destroys free radicals.Primrose oil, or black currant oil, or olive oil are all sources of essential fatty acids that prevent the hardening of the arteries.Fresh lemon juice is a wonderful blood purifier that improves circulation and helps lower high blood pressure.  Drink a non-sugared lemonade first thing every morning. If blood pressure is low, drink ginger tea, add ginger to foods, along with the combination of apple cider vinegar, honey, and water, another good low pressure stabilizer. Include lots of garlic, (lowers high… Read more »

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Hair Care

Factors that can lead to thinning and loss of hair include poor circulation, long term stress, pregnancy, hormone changes, sudden weight loss, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, smoking, and drugs… of many sorts. Important nutrients for the hair include B vitamins, especially Biotin and Pantothenic Acid, (B-5), inositol & pyroxodine (B-6), niacin, (B-3) These are important when stressed.Vitamin C, E, calcium and zincEat more greens with B vitamins prominent.Unsaturated fatty acids (primrose oil, linseed oil, salmon oil)Using sage tea, or apple cider as a rinse, help hair growAny herbs or tonics that affect cardiovascular, energetic circulation will bring more blood to the scalp.Garlic in its many delicious forms invigorates, offers resistance to stress, improves hair, skin, and muscle tone.Ginger tones circulatory system, plus having anti-cancer effects. (Blocks tendency of some carcinogens to cause mutations in DNA.*)Ho Shou Wu This Chinese blood tonic is known as a powerful rejuvenator.  It increases energy cleans the blood, nourishes hair, and teeth.  It also has renown as a sexual tonic if taken regularly.  It increases sperm production in men and fertility in women. Reading“Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil, MD“Perscription for Nutritional Healing” by the Balch’s MD“The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies” by Vasant Lad“Yoga & Ayurveda; Self Healing and Self Realization” by David Frawly Basic Ayurvedic Hair Tips Ayurvedically, hair and nails are considered by products of bone care because the dhatu, (basic body tissue) in charge of bones is the same for hair and nails.  Dhatus are responsible for the function and structure of the systems and organs in the body, and they unfold successively with the nourishment from digestion.  This makes calcium, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin D very important not only for bones but hair, and nails.  If your hair is unhealthy, it might speak of your bones needing more attention…. Read more »

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Back Issues

Basic Tips If in pain, don’t jog, jump, do sudden moves, or wear high heels. Duh! Helpful sports are *Pilates, * T’ai Chi, Yoga, swimming, cycling, rowing, and of course-walking. Keep moving. Don’t carry heavy purses, or bags over the shoulder. Another Duh. Bones need weight bearing exercise, and lots of it, especially with age. Get your back under the professional healing hands of a body worker. Find a good Rolfer, masseuse, Osteopath, a knowledgeable physical trainer, an educated Yoga Instructor.  Listen to what your body needs.  In the Practice of listening we learn to hear the body’s voice. Don’t bend forward without bending your knees, especially when lifting anything. Use thigh muscles, not back. To fortify bone and joints take: calcium & magnesium Vit. D,A, B’s & E, plus zinc.  Doctors are now recommending that those who do not get enough sun, which is most, take 2000-4000 units of Vit.  D a day to protect bones and joints. Avoid meats as the uric acid in animal protein exacerbates pain. Herbs that help backache: slippery elm, white willow bark, burdock, horsetail. Lower back pain can be about kidney, not ligament or bone. It might also be about the large intestine.  If the pain is above the waist, pay attention to elimination, or constipation. If elimination is difficult, take an enema. Cod liver oil helps with healing. Read Edgar Casey.  He used Cod liver packs on the skin for all manner of ailments, to great success. If sitting for long periods of time, make your knees higher than your hips. Pay attention to your habits, especially if back pain is habitual. Make a diary of when it comes and goes, what are you feeling, thinking, eating, doing? Often buried rage that is given a moment to emerge creates back spasm or… Read more »

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Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety often creates a higher heart rate, distracted thinking, and fearful reactions. Basic Tips Slow heart rate with deep, mindful breathing. Lie in Savasana and slow down the metabolic rate. Listen to slow, beautiful music and visualize yourself in a slow steady dance with your heart. Be more physical. Activate the heart rate. Be slower.  Meditate. In other words, pay attention. Fast or slow, you can’t outrun anxiety.  It needs to be cared for and loved, not ignored.  If you don’t know why you’re stressed, then ask it why it’s here now?  What does it have to teach you?  What are its gifts? Laugh….especially at stupid things. Force yourself with fake laughter at first.  Make a friend do dumb “ha ha” noises with you.  Take laughter Yoga. Watch ha ha movies.  You might be so stressed-out you cry. That’s good too. Get a pet. Pet it. Treat it as you need to be treated. Make time for massage. If you cannot see someone, do it on yourself, especially soles of feet, palms of hands, back of neck and head.  (Ayurvedic notes below for specific oils.) 101 Reminders: Avoid caffeine and sugar, both of which deplete the body.  Of course this goes for drugs, smoking, hours of TV, endless loud noise, and bad company.  Much as we might be addicted to these intoxicants, they take us down and compound anxiety. Go to sleep earlier in the night when possible, if insomnia attacks link to insomnia notes. Learn basic information about the chakras. Learn to clear and clean them, which will balance the physical mind-body, which are just the tip of what’s going on below in the energy levels. Balancing the chakras brings hormones and therefore emotions into balance. ( Read “Energy Medicine” by Donna Eden; the ancients–Leadbeater, and A. Bailey.) The… Read more »

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