Akarna Dhanurasana

Bow & Arrow Pose

Asana Akarna Dhanurasana- Bow & Arrow pose, or Toe to Ear Pose. This is a seated pose for Cupid of the long of hamstring.  Sit with legs extended, hold both big toes between thumb, index & third fingers, or use a strap. Exhaling bend L elbow & knee, pulling L foot back as close to L ear as possible, like an archer pulling back a bow string.  Keep R leg extended on floor, with fingers around big toe.  Hold several breaths, then extend and straighten L leg, lifting higher, bring to ear again, if possible.  Release gracefully to do other side.

Health Notes: This pose makes for flexible hamstrings, opens hip joints, strengthens abs and lower back, and helps you poop by contracting abdominals.


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