
Swan Pose

Asana:Hamsasana/Swan-Another beautiful, impossibly difficult bird pose. The difference between last week’s Mayurasana/Peacock Pose, and this week’s Hamsasana lies only in the position of the hands.  In the Swan, fingers face forward, toward the head, making this more difficult than the Peacock.

begin on all fours, Bend elbows, with forearms as close together as possible, and rest diaphragm on the elbows, chest on back of upper arms.  One by one, extend legs back, keeping them together, strong and straight. On exhaling take body weight onto the wrists and hands, lifting legs off floor, if possible.  Stretch the back and head forward until entire body is a plank of power, parallel to floor. Try not to place pressure on the ribs.  To come out of pose, lower head to floor, then legs, then knees.  Release wrist discomfort by doing hand rotations or stand on hands in Padahastasana.

Health Notes: Abominals are strengthened, circulating more blood to abdominal organs, thus improving digestion, helping cure stomach ailments, and spleen.  It releases stomach toxins, and helps those with diabetes.  It produces strong forearms, elbows and wrists.


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