Inspirations: Standing Asanas

Adho Mukha Svanasana~Down Dog

Asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana-Down Dog~The most beloved of all poses possibly because it assists the body so many ways at once, plus you can move into any pose from here, making it a master-sequencing link. It is the core of Surya Namaskars/Sun Salutations, the core of most Practices. You can move into it from Tadasana, or Utkatasan by folding over and taking a large step back, hands to floor by feet, then step the other leg back.  Lift hips up and back, press heels to floor.  Or, Another easy way to move into Adho Mukha is either through a Sun Salutation, or from lying on the stomach, bringing palms beside chest, fingers forward, on exhale, lift abdomen and hips, then push back into heels, lengthening arms, spine, and hamstrings. Sitts Bones to heaven, back of the the neck-soft and long, shoulder blades down the back toward the hips, fingers spread, with energy moving out into tips, not wrists, arms feel like they are squeezing a big beach ball. Remain for a minute, feeling intelligent and wide open to new points of view. Keep it simple and powerful.  Be present to moving into every corner of the body.  Perhaps you yearn to have a better Adho Mukha/Down Dog?  Fine, let it fire you towards greatness. But do not disdain, read judge, where you are in the Pose at this moment.  Let it be your master. Now howl for all you are worth, becoming God-like in your Dog-like Pose. Health Notes: Adho Mukha is great for warming, stretching, strengthening, and bringing the brain below the heart.  It tones abdominals, strengthens and stretches ankles, hamstrings, shoulders, and arms. The heart rate slows, helping with fatigue, and arthritis, especially in the shoulder girdle.  And like all upside down poses, it is ‘happy making.’

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Tree Pose Asana:Vrksasana- Tree Pose.  Stand in Tadasana, bringing R foot up as high as possible inside L thigh, toes point down.  Press foot into thigh and thigh into sole of foot. Inhale, lifting arms up, balance.  Pay attention to how you are standing on the foot.  Is weight evenly distributed?  If you are touched by ‘Nirvana’ sway into ‘Dancing Tree’ by shifting hips away from R knee, open arms to sides, lift chest higher and feel the whispers of spring light. Do both sides, of course. Health Notes: Vrksana strengthens leg and ankle muscles, increases balance, and offers a place of stillness, even when it ‘dances’.

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Asana:  Dekasana/lifted Vira III.  This is a new pose, but very like the old pose of Virabradrasana III.  Move onto one leg, lifting the other up behind as you tilt forward, parallel to floor. Keep the hips level.  In Dekasana, lift the torso up, arms back, as though in flight, instead of the flat back, and front reaching arms of Vira III. (In fact, this Pose is not mentioned in any of the classical Yoga references consulted, so you can ‘enliven’ it as your Practice wishes.) Health Notes: Both poses are wonderful for balance, strengthening legs and abdomen.  Now more than ever we require balance, and strong legs to move forward, even in tiny steps.

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Feet on Hands Pose The Sanskrit of this pose is easy to interpret.  Pada is foot, hasta means hand.  Ergo, this pose is accomplished by bending forward and standing on the hands.  If your hamstrings don’t allow this, bend the knees, but do get entire hand, not just the fingers, underneath each foot.  Toes tickle the inner wrists.  Keep the back as long and straight as possible, and if possible, pull feet up from the palms, opening the chest as you hang over.  Don’t sit back in the heels, keep weight even through the feet. Health Notes:  Not only is this fabulous for Carpel Tunnel, but abdominal organs are toned, therefore digestion improves.  Spleen and liver are activated, hamstrings and back muscles are stretched and toned. There is something very sole-satisfying about standing palm to sole, letting the chakras speak to one another.

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Virabadhrasana III

Strong Warrior Pose The third of the Vira’s, or Power Poses, steps out on the R foot, lifts L leg, arms and torso up and over until the entire line of the body is a flat table top, hips even, L leg rotated inward, foot flexed, and standing leg strong.  Keep neck part of back and do not lift head up.  Drishti is the floor, or R foot.  If the lower back feels at risk once extended, enter the balance by bending standing knee.  This also helps if your balance is tottery, and or the hips uneven. Health Notes:  As in all three Vira’s this pose builds thigh muscle, increases back resiliency, grounds the body into standing strong on the earth.

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