Under the beams of the oh so potent Full Moon forming in the silent night sky, arrives its Eclipse on the 8th. We have choices to make:  Do we use it’s high emotional resonance to surrender and withdraw in fear, or can we stand tall in warrior light?  Krishnamurti said, “The crisis is not out in the world; it is in our own consciousness.”  We choose how we wish to respond to the present chaos and fear.  We know this, yet it requires so much work to remain conscious in every moment in order to speak wisely, and respond kindly. …especially for those of us in the States as we observe the tragic and terrible divide in our beautiful country.

Eclipses are a push to our evolutionary process. We are not conscious of this but we feel it.  We are emotionally aware of the underground push and pull to transform, renew and muddle on differently.  What we don’t understand makes us anxious, even fearful, therefore I’m offering tidbits of Eclipse knowledge to support a wiser use of the intense energies, AND to tell you ‘try not to take it personally, whatever you are feeling.’  No small task.  Yes, the interior work is extremely personal, but the entire world is dealing with these same planetary energies which is why it all becomes extreme.  This 4th and last Eclipse of 2022 is packing a larger wallop than usual, here’s why:

Eclipses are cyclic, with 4-5 through each year, as well as belonging to a ‘family’ of Eclipses that cycle back around every 19 years.  If you remember what was important in your life Nov. 8, 2003?  Something of this is here again for you to review and release. 

Physically, during a lunar Eclipse, the moon dims as it passed through Earth’s shadow which puts the emotional body on alert, for the Moon is our planetary guide to emotion, memory, mom, and family. This ‘shadowing’ makes it easier to access the unconscious, and open old wounds for release.  Because Uranus, Sky god of higher mind, and the North Node, the unknown future path, are aligned with the Moon in Taurus, they request we realize our value and essential self-worth.  That we honor the land and care for our resources.  Understand and evaluate what needs to go, whatever occludes a wonderful sense of self!  

Standing in opposition to the Moon, abetting the Solar power are Mercury- the mind, Venus-goddess of love, money, and relationships, plus the South Node-symbol of what we know, the past, what needs to be transformed.  This Full Moon Eclipse in the polarities of Taurus and Scorpio is total, amping and intensifying its download material.  It’s a full-on call for transformation at deep levels as Scorpio leaves no stone unturned.  Shedding old skin is not easy, purging the past is a yeoman’s job, but to give birth to our unique magic, we must.  The gifts of moving into these deeply regenerative Eclipse waters are: A new, wider perspective, possibly a sense of greater authenticity and maturity, deeper spiritual wisdom and integrity.  Forgiveness may be a key request to achieving any of this.  Take a deep breath and begin by forgiving yourself….all else follows.

Working with Saturn requires forgiveness, and he is a particularly important imprint in the Eclipse energies as he T Squares the opposition of Sun and Moon, pushing them hard for concrete results..  Saturn is the God of time, perfection, structure, mastery, and boundaries. He is the CEO. He rules bones, teeth, skin, and hair, the structures holding the body together.  Visualize the Full Moon face-off with a line extending from the center out to Saturn, in Aquarius.  He is a big pusher as he always demands we take greater responsibility, that we acknowledge our mistakes and betrayals.  Yes, Saturn definitely ramps the intensity of what is already extreme.  But take heart, by midmonth peace and a sense of greater well-being emerge as first Venus, then Mercury, and then the Sun take auspicious turns with Jupiter, the great beneficent Rolly Polly, Gaseous One.

There may be a familiar feeling to this Blood Moon as in May, we had another Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, mirroring much of what we experience now.  Notice the synergy and similarity of then and now.  It may help your perspective.  We won’t have another Blood Moon until 2025 so find ways and means to celebrate this one, despite heaviness, overwhelm, irritations and frustrations that are likely part of your days.                

Create a simple ritual to do under the unfolding light of the Moon. Take a moment to write a note of gratitude to yourself.  Make it a lovely honoring of who you are and all you have done- then mail it to yourself.  When it arrives, sit and read it with heartfelt joy.  Even Saturn will smile.

The reason this is called a ‘Blood Moon’ is that in a total Eclipse the Moon turns a bloodish red/orange color as it is being eclipsed.  This ‘bloody darkening influences the pineal gland, activates shadow, pushes our energy field and brings to the surface.  Eclipses can trigger fated or important events that have been on hold, waiting to express.  Another important reason to slow down, breathe deeply, and root in nature.

Eclipse visibility, weather permitting, can be viewed in the wild west of the States, some in central US, South America, Western Canada, Eastern Asia, much of the Pacific Ocean, and New Zealand.  Timing is the Moon enters Earth’s shadow at midnight, PST is in its totality 2:150 -3 AM, and finally leaves just before 6 AM, PST

Go here if you wish general Eclipse information: https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/

If you need guidance at this time, email to set up a mini Astrological review of what this Eclipse is asking of you.  20 minutes for $25.

I am advising myself to 1. Keep it simple. 2.  Build an altar 3. Bake bread. 4. Blow kisses to my loved ones. 5. Celebrate my life, and think about how I wish to be remembered.   As I wrote last week, “If you’re not yet clear on how you prefer to be remembered, then “Make of yourself a light” as Mary Oliver wrote.  I think of this each night as shadow falls early, the geese return to the hill as nature sheds her summer life.  What is the light I choose to embody and grow?  What is the light I can offer the world?  What is the light I send up upon dying?  I offer these questions again as our country heads to the polls; mad, frustrated, frightened, and resentful.  No time to retreat, no surrender, no return to a cozy womb.  Rather, stand as a spirit guardian of your destiny, and take flight.”


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