April 5-12


Energies for the Wisdom Body, April 5-12

One of April’s formative energy transmissions is this week’s Full Moon, sometimes called April’s “Pink Moon” and or ‘Paschal Moon.’  The pink was named for her arrival over the pink wildflower, Phlox subulata, blooming in April.  ‘Paschal’ has to do with her relationship to Easter as the Sunday after the Paschal moon, Easter is celebrated. New Life is hoped for with both Passover and Easter. This year, pink is a wonderful color to symbolize this Full Moon of partnership.  Despite the yang forces in every Full Moon, this week our thoughts and feelings turn to love and harmony, doing and being, value and finances, boundaries and balance, masculine and feminine.  The Sun, our ego and identity, is in Aires, facing off with the Libra Moon of balance, partnering and strategy.  This opposition is a focus on ideas between Aires’ self-oriented action and commitment to the lunar symphony of relationships of balanced boundaries; or personal needs VS the needs of others.  Yes, this may provoke confrontations, at the very least a review of all manner of every kind of relationship, especially the one with self.  ‘Think Pink’ and offer yourself new ideas of how you might better care for yourself, then share with others. This can be a journey of deep, transformative discovery, so give it the time and attention it needs.  

Under the blossoming ‘pink’ light of the week’s Libran Full Moon, we continue to sing a chorus or two of the New Moon at the Spring Equinox.  We also continue riffing on March bass notes of Pluto’s first foray into Aquarius, an entirely new, transformative, enduring event that slowly, and irrevocably moves our world into a ‘modern’-all for one-revolutionary opera.’  We must give this cosmic shift time as Pluto’s depth charge will amplify Aquarian energies for 20 years to come.  Last week, your Astrology notes reviewed big energy shifts in March, hopefully offering some understanding for being crazed, exhausted, and confused.  This week’s Cosmic transmission leads forward into the somewhat confrontational cadence of April’s song.

After last month’s dramatic baroque concerto, April’s song is more of a gospel nature.   We join in new harmonies and partnerships under the Libra lunation, and stay steady-on, and straightforward until the year’s first retrograde of Mercury hitting reverse, April 21.  Despite the speed bumps of the first quarter of ’23, we begin April with a slightly more sedate pace due to its ruler, Venus, in Taurus, until the 11th, Mars in watery Cancer, and Saturn’s long exploration of spiritual and creative Pisces.  The elements of earth and water tend to pull us inward, to spend more time in the flow of movement, which the world now needs due to the global change of outer planetary shifts in March.  The April chorus sounds like this:  Where am I now?  How did I get here?  Where is this new landscape taking me? When do I use old rules, but in new ways?

This chorus is especially loud this week as an important aspect of the lunation is the Sun’s tight embrace of Chiron, the wounded healer.  Chiron with the Sun in Aires reveals where we need to heal issues around self-worth and have greater faith in ourselves. Chiron joined with the Sun reminds us that when we resent or disregard another, that place within re-wounds itself over and over in not being able to let go the old hurt.  Jupiter, also in Aires, re-affirms the desire to take greater charge, to rise and heal this one sacred life of ours.  These energies can suffuse the emotional body with stronger reactivity, especially when past hurts are opened.  Steven Levine, who did amazing work with AIDS, abused women, and preparing for death wrote, “To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.” Venus, ruler of the Libran Moon, agrees strongly with him, especially as she is elevated in her move through Taurus.  Here, she is suffused in creativity and love, sensuality, and body-centric care.

 It’s a perfect time to have a conversation with your EI/Emotional Intelligence. (If you are unfamiliar with Goleman’s EI and wish information, I’m happy to send a brief overview: samcatcam@gmail.com) EI is a primary tool in working with your ‘wisdom body,’ as its tools help soothe the nervous system, connect to what’s most important, and support our ongoing inquiry into the big Self. Unleash the body to inform the mind with joyous outlets of song and dance, dig in the dirt, eat with your fingers, and how under Full Moon light.

This lunation packs a week’s worth of wallop as two more energy tidbits add fascinating energies to the Full Moon. One is the Moon’s quincunx to Uranus,   (a Quincunx  is a psychological connection signifying  ‘review and revise’. Breakaway from old rules and stereotypes.) Uranus with the Moon can emotionally play havoc as it often brings sudden, unexpected change, asking us to feel differently, to embrace a wider emotional range than before.  The other interesting infomercial is Mercury’s conjunction with the North Node.  Remember that the nodes are navigational points, not planets.  The North points to the unknown future while the South says, ‘You’ve been here before.  This is old, known territory.  Therefore, Mercury’s connection to ‘due north’ says, we need new ideas, new means of dialogue, and questioning facts. We are in an evolutionary time, becoming ‘a someone’ with greater imitative as we think outside old boxes, break boundaries and raise vibrations with the faith we can do so!

My ‘coda’ this week is to inspire you with quotes from composers, offering expanded rhythmic ideas for your April song.

Robert Schumann “To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist.” 

  Ludwig van Beethoven: “Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets.”

Robert Schumann: “To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist.”

  Aaron Copland: “So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it.”

 Jean Sibelius: “Music begins where the possibilities of language end.”

Gustav Holst: “Music, being identical with heaven, isn’t a thing of momentary thrills, or even hourly ones. It’s a condition of eternity.”

Richard Wagner: “Imagination creates reality.”

Toru Takemitsu: “Music is a form of prayer.”

 George Gershwin: “Life is a lot like jazz…it’s best when you improvise.”

**If you’d like to know how your personal chart is affected by these planetary events, contact Samantha for a deep diving consultation into your life:  samcatcam@gmail.com, or text 508-505-7700. https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrology/

Plus- If you have a question you think of interest to others, please email it so we might share the idea and response with others.

Join the dance of opening to your inner renegade. How do you wish to transition into a different future? Begin now! #WisdomBody #CosmicDownload #TeacherTrainings #ShaktiYogaDance #AstrologicalEnergies #SoulDance #PlanetaryMusicalNotes


YOUR PRACTICE THIS WEEK:  Find new ways to express the old.  Make a lemon cake out of lemons. Fill your Yang wardrobe with Yin colors. Deepen your relationship with self, then seek someone to share it with.  Listen to your intuition, especially when it says, “naptime!” Do partner Yoga, or partner stretches.  Listen to the voice of forgiveness-. begin with self. Spend magic time on the magic mat re-inventing your Practice

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK:  All full Moons are not only Yang but are about partnering.  Therefore, you birthday-bodies are going to be more involved with partnerships, as well as all types of relationships.  Spend time to integrate healing within and without,  revise and reconsider emotional responses, work with EI in support of assimilating a stronger sense of Self, as well as seeing another’s POV as valuable.  Look at your boundaries of relationship and revise what no longer serves as you reach out with greater kindness and empathy.


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