July 15-23


“To be human

Is to become visible

While carrying

What is hidden

As a gift to others.”

David Whyte, from “What to Remember When Waking”

Before Covid I would not have paused over this stanza.  But in the aftermath and clean up, in the misunderstandings, and frazzled anger generated by the epidemic I find the vision revelatory to what we can do to help heal ourselves and our world.  So many feel so lost.  Too many have fallen by the wayside of what used to be their life. A vast majority seem to have lost their compass of kindness.’   How can we resurrect the best of what was while turning toward the unknown with courage?  I return to Whyte’s following stanzas of the same poem: 

“To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritances.  You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged.  Now, looking through the slanting light of the morning window toward the mountain presence of everything that can be, what urgency calls you to your one love?  What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?”

Like exquisite poetry, or great art of any and all calling, one of the reasons I love and use Astrology is it reminds me, that we are part of an infinite whole. We are tiny, yet huge against the sky.  Astrological information informs us of possibility, of choice, and opportunity.  We have unused talents to channel from universal source.  We have a job to become conduits of love and appreciation for one another.  When working with the celestial firmament, I am offered knowledge to see a bigger picture, to feel myself part of society, of nature, and of the cosmos. I recognize over and over that I can see myself reflected back not only from another but from the celestial bodies who patiently wait for me to pay attention so that I might be guided by their superior intelligence.  Perhaps David Whyte’s ‘world’ includes the wider world of planetary energies, perhaps he is referring to death or spirit,?  It matters not.  What matters, especially during this tumultuous time of profound change, is that we become who and what we love; that we plant seeds of intention to root down and spread ‘beautiful branches against a sky’; that we remember we can be intuitive, generously powerful warriors for greater good, and therefore part of the ‘presence of everything.’  Is not every present moment a present, offered for rediscovering essential self, and growing visible in the world?

What are you going to do with your wild and precious life, your unique gifts?  I’m here to support you in exploring, and expressing to become ‘visible.’ This week, I’ve chosen three planetary moments to inform and enlighten how we can use Astrology as a toolbox.. 

  1. This week, we had a re-birth of Venus and Mars uniting in fiery, passionate Leo.  Their tight ‘embrace’ is over, but because it was a ‘birthing of their energies’ the affect can be longer lasting, especially if we consciously reach to accept, use and combine their gifts of: creativity, love, and partnership- Venus;  wedded to impulsive, physical, committed Mars-power.  What do you want to create that has a balanced combination of masculine and feminine?  How do you want to partner with Self, and/or others with zest and joy? Take a moment to tune in to your desire to re-birth passion somewhere in your life.  Invite imaginative fires to rise up.
  • A potent, but shor term effect:  Saturday, 17, Pluto opposes the Sun.  What does this mean and how can you work with it?  Simply put- The Sun is the ego and identity, Pluto is the planet of intensity, transformation, sexuality, and power.  The opposition offers an opportunity to face off and see who and what we are dealing with.  Oppositions form lines of communication between opposite signs.  Pluto is in Capricorn, signature of the father. The Sun is in Cancer, sign of the mother, which adds another layer of information to be considered. In this case Pluto might be asking the Sun/ego to surrender, perhaps to release incorrect use of power over, or control of, especially around issues of nurturing, family, or home.  It wants a dialogue with our passion and sexuality to see if we can be more alive. It won’t force.  It’s more a prod, an opportunity, a questioning to wake up to Pluto’s hidden gifts and empower ego with right use of will.
  •  Upcoming, is an ‘Astrological Blue Moon.  This is one of those rare occurrence’s when the event can be far more powerful if we plan.  Hence, a head’s up for the August Full Moon of 22nd.  Just what is an ‘Astrological Blue Moon’?  It is not the same as the well known ‘Blue Moon’ we have when there are two Full Moons in a month.  The Astrological Blue Moon happens when there are two Full Moons following one another in the same sign, always in the first degrees followed by the final degrees of that sign.  This is an extra power punch of Full Moon energy.  What do Full Moons offer? They are times of completion, of understanding, of clarity and connection.  Sun and Moon face off in opposition having a dialogue, and often see results of past work coming to fruition, or ending.  You know that Full Moons are times of greater emotional when we confront self and or others to see with greater clarity.

 What brings the extra punch in an Astrological Blue Moon is that the second Moon, in the final degrees of the same sign,  is a final dive, a last effusive, anticipated flourish of understanding, revelation,  completion.  There is a sense of excitement, especially if you have been consciously working on a project, or have invested energy into yourself as the project.  It doesn’t have to be ‘out in the world.’  It can reward you with results not only from the ‘previous Full Moon,  but previous months of effort.  Lunar cycles weave themselves emotionally in and out of life. With this upcoming bruiser, take a moment to stop and consider what’s really important, what fruit do you wish to ripen and taste?  What energy field are you playing in?  As you play, and focus and dream use the upcoming ‘first Full Moon next Friday, 23, at one degree Aquarius, to focus on intensifying and energetically connecting you more deeply to your heart’s desire.  Be honest with your life.  Weed out what holds you back.  Take extra time to be kind to you. Don’t run from the difficult.  Rather,  turn and face your demons, for this is an extremely potent time to work with and dismantle what holds back your dreams.  By the Full Moon’s greater light, reveal your true essence to your heart.  Accept more love.  Open to your ‘heart’s desire’ August 22nd. We are preparing to be Auden’s “affirming flame.”

Defenseless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame

CREATING RITUAL:  Make time to laugh.  Make time to cry.  Find quiet time to watch your favorite movie again and listen to a favorite song again.  Ask why they have lodged themselves within.  Ask why they comfort and lift your spirit.  They are a source of simple, profound ritual that informs, heals, and enlightens us for onward.

YOUR PRACTICE:  We are passionate, inspired, and motivated by magical sparks of Leo juice.  Let’s set the mat on fire with a renewed relationship to our Practice, filling body & mind with fever, if not feeling.  (Venus & Mars are mating in the sky and who doesn’t want their charge to channel new intentions.). Think about what you’d like to set in motion and bring that spark to the mat.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS:  If I were you this year I would choose to be more creative, to stand back and re-consider if new directions call you.  I would take time out in nature to listen to inner voices, and I would use the ‘brazen powers of this week’s energies to re-connect to a Self that wants to come home, a voice that carries your authentic flavors.  The entire world shall rejoice!


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