May 16-25


As the late John Lewis said, “Let’s make some Good Trouble!”  A great saying from a great human being!  Its breadth of meaning and innuendo offer energy layers we can use and re-apply to pick up his baton of truths to goad ‘good trouble.’  The time is ready and ripe to invest and reinvent shared goals, to be curious and explore, and to be flexible in the face of the unexpected.  We have a zeitgeist of planetary shifts supporting a re-think of expansion and exchange to support self and one another.  Pull the boat over before moving on and ask, did it work before? How can I re-invent and make it more viable, inclusive, and healing?  We swim in a plethora of bigger fish, bigger changes, and mountains of tech-molehills, along with unknown Vax-re-entry decisions.  Our Taurus-bodies, which want only to eat cake and be massaged, are jangled and exhausted.

Taurus-bodies, which want only to eat cake and be massaged, are jangled and exhausted. Despite feeling emotionally ‘spring-loaded’ for change, we must first cultivate patience.  To resolve the un-resolvable, intractable and unworkable, planetary retrogrades ask us to hit the pause button, turn inward, and spend time with imagination and intuition in order to re-consider and re-format old structures with new strategy.

This week we are ‘magnified’ by Jupiter making its Grand Entrance into Pisces, where it is exceedingly comfortable and therefore more generous!  Jupiter is a ‘social planet’ of expansion, philosophy, spirituality, abundance, and blessings.  In Pisces, he shifts into spiritual sensitivity and wider imagination.  like John Lewis, we are offered opportunities to become more humanitarian, empathetic, and generous.  Jupiter beckons us to re-shape creativity, philosophy, faith, and meaning.

I wrote last week that as Jupiter enters Pisces, he approaches the powerful fixed star, Fomalhaut, the last of Persia’s four royal stars at 3 degrees Pisces. It’s known as a spiritual teacher, and is at its best when expressing altruistically, and inspirationally.  Jupiter here supports growing ever more creative, and spiritually inclined, but it can also be ornery, and contradictory, much like shadow aspects of Pisces~ when we can get easily lost, and confused, and often have exaggerated emotional responses.  Tune in to the unseen, and decide to morph the mundane into magic. Grow more colorfully light-bodied.  Jupiter traveling through Pisces may help with Saturn’s slow-down to turn backward on the 23rd.  More on this ‘demanding energy’ in next week’s edition.  Stay tuned!

Let’s make John Lewis proud of our ‘good trouble.’  Call confidence, and courage to navigate through the vulnerability and uncertainty of ever-restless sea changes. Stay curious. Be flexible. Feel hope tingle your nerves to put a big grin on your face. The more heartfelt confidence we muster to see our way to the next step, the better it is for us and everyone we touch.  

Important May timing and how YOU might be affected.
If you wish to know where your territories of change lie, and how you can better strategize.  email for a quick overview of your personal sis-boom-bah. $20 for a 20 minute- quickie.

This week we are ‘magnified’ by Jupiter making its Grand Entrance into Pisces, where it is exceedingly comfortable and therefore more generous!  Jupiter is a ‘social planet’ of expansion, philosophy, spirituality, abundance, and blessings.  In Pisces, he shifts into spiritual sensitivity and wider imagination.  like John Lewis, we are offered opportunities to become more humanitarian, empathetic, and generous.  Jupiter beckons us to re-shape creativity, philosophy, faith, and meaning.

The late, great Astrologer, Rich Humbert, wrote in 2016, “There’s a slight increase in the chance of a natural disaster, a fair chance that most of us will witness some extreme behavior, and a good chance that some of us will feel a shift in our life’s direction. There’s a 100% chance that we’re living through a cultural sea-change.  …. The world has changed; we’re now in the future.”   It remains oh so true~ Thank you, Rich!

Saturn goes Retrograde on 23rd.  This Station is at 13 Aquarius and therefore squares Uranus.  These two power sources always square off at loggerheads, which the Retrograde will amplify. Remember, Saturn is Kronos, who cut off his father, Ouranus’, testicles.  We will all struggle with ‘do it differently.  No, stay the same.’  (Saturn moving through Aquarius can manifest as fear of the future, which we plainly see in the conservative far right.)  Patience is our only mistress. Kindness our only guide.
The 26th  we enter ‘Eclipse Season’ with a total Super Moon-lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius!! Grab your hat and hold on as it will bring things to a head!  Clean out your ‘Sag-closet’ which holds issues of: truth, the law, freedom, travel, philosophical and religious viewpoints.  Prepare for endings, especially as this Eclipse is close to the South Node, a signature of endings, closure, and the past.  Prepare for ‘a next chapter’.  Take stock and decide what to let go of. 
Mercury Retrograde on the 29.  Begin planning now as it takes place in Gemini, a sign it rules, so it is bound to have extra impact on communications, technology, and transportation.  Before going ‘backward’ Mercury will square Pisces on the 21st to 23rd- the week before stationing.  Be aware of ‘distorted realities, escapism, and idealization.  Which all says, plan now.  If you have to buy technology or transport, do it now or wait until after June 22.
It’s an important time to visualize the steps ahead.  Use your ‘celestial mandala’ to help see- without judgment- how you might deepen and enliven life.  I’d love to support and inform your mundane AND mystical Self!  Contact Samantha at  You can also email:
A RITUAL MOMENT:  Take advantage of Jupiter’s ingress into the water land of Piscean imagination and creativity.  Along with your personal ritual, include healing for someone you love in need of your great heart.  Include India, Yemen, and Palestine.  As you expand your visionary reach, feel a deep sense of inner power that provides you with greater spiritual-stamina.
THE PRACTICE: We move more deeply into creative flow.  We pay more attention to being grounded in order to swim in bigger seas.  We reach out to connect and empower one another with Jupiter’s great out-reach of generosity and social understanding. Let us move through confusion to grace.  Let us accommodate those we disagree with from a heart-forged strategy.  Let us create a wider home on the magic-mat that flies into our soul-home.

YOUR BIRTHDAY WEEK:  You are bound to feel Jupiter’s expansive, watery spill through the upcoming year.  You will consider decisions from a greater spiritual and creative awareness, which may change the current of your life.  Take time to meditate, or contemplate next steps with care as your ability to manifest dream-material is strong.  Don’t get lost in the weeds of anxiety, confusion or chaos. Your Taurus Sun is being empowered by a trine to Pluto, which asks that you transform and regenerate. It’s a big year.  Put on your big swim-fins and paddle way out to sea!


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