Wisdom Body Notes August 1-12 by Samantha Cameron
What an entrance August makes this year! Her threshold energies embrace weirdly perfect symbols of what lies in store. We begin under a Leo New Moon of creativity, courage and joy that sets the template for coming 28 days. But we do not step out like a lion, au contraire, we begin with the mind moving into review and re-set as Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo, which has particularly strong effects on any planning, new ideas, conversations, travel, or questioning the fabric of life. You may feel like roaring in lion-esque joy, but will without doubt revise the timbre, tone and timing of your roar.
With the Sun representing the identity, ego and outer life, and the Moon our emotional, subconscious, inner life, when they join to give birth each month, we have opportunity to revise and integrate inner and outer life as well as heart and head. This month we have it in spades! If you are hoping to manifest something new this month, let the Moon be in charge, as manifestation is charged by how we feel, besides the mind may decide to go on holiday as it tires of trying to be in charge and get anything done. With half the planetary firmament now moving inward and backward, the invisible, the subconscious, the intuitive is far more important! “When we don’t listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls.” Terry Tempest Williams. Here is where the fuel of Leo’s expressive fires lie in wait. Leo is the throne, be it queen or king. Perhaps you wish to rethink your crown and become the power behind the throne?
Ruling anything right now may feel contradictory and out of control. Tread carefully as everything is shifting in any moment, and the rate of speed will feel all too fast until it unexpectedly stops to go backward; Re-think, re-align, re-design. On the fiery, optimistic -let’s go! side of things, we have Mars, Jupiter and Uranus working together, activating the New Moon birth. Hand in hand they create intensity and drive to expand and explore. Counter-weight to this hopeful expansion, we have Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all pulled within, re-shaping our inner Universe. Take these few days before Sunday’s New Moon/Mercury Retro event to listen to your dreams, visualize what you desire to manifest through August’s contradictory vibrations. Set intention to acquire greater skills of patience, stillness, and listening.
Another of the underlying energies of confusion is the mix and blending we must contrive between Leo’s joyous fire and Virgo’s quiet, deliberate modesty. With Sun and Moon in Leo’s desire of healthy ego and emotion, VS Mercury, and soon to be Venus, in Virgo’s quiet in control demeanor~ skilled weaving is required. The strong ego needed to be queen or king will be massaged and micro-managed through details and daily steps dancing forward and back…..not what royalty is used to. Despite the Yin and Yang bantering, Leo calls us to enjoy life, to invigorate with laughter and greater creativity. Possibilities to uplift our Leo may lie hidden in Mercury’s retrograde motion ~for when in retrograde, Mercury is closest to Earth, and therefore has greater power. Think about the words you choose, the questions you propose. They could have greater resonance than you think. If you have long standing issues in relationships, this is a brilliant time to recognize what can be healed. We have until August 28 to solve and heal the mercurial issues in our life~ at least to kick start them upward while Mercury spirals down and within.
In the coming weeks, I will elaborate on hot themes of August, but for now- mark your calendars to pay particular attention to the following dates:
Aug. 7 -Be aware of possible power struggles, particularly around the law and or beliefs.
Aug. 14 & 15-We shall have strong verbal duels, possibly diarrhea of the mouth, defending and asserting. On the 15th we shall see some of the contested ideas blocked or held back.
Aug. 19 This is the date of August Full Moon that forms an exciting formation with Uranus~ kicking it into big surprises, chaos, and high-minded connections.
Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations. You inspire my life and writing. 💖 Samantha
NEW ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, $150.00, or Solar Returns, $100, to examine and reveals plans for the birthday cycle around the Sun……New options of Cosmic-Bites now available for $50.00 each:
1. A lunar Return offers an expanded layering of ideas and consciousness to 28 days of time; This is the Moon’s cycle related specifically to you.
2. A psychologically cosmic deep dive into a specific question.
3. GIFT CERTIFICATES! A reminder that an Astrologic Consultation is always a unique, and loving gift for friends and family. When you purchase a natal consult as a gift, or you refer a client -I gift you with a free Lunar Return, or pondering a question.
“I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life.” Contact Samantha at samcatcam@gmail.com ~or text 508-505-7700
“Your skill, wisdom and humor are such a gift! Thank you for my solar return and the pleasure of your company!” Kate Stickley.
For those who enjoy my writing, I joined Substack- a platform for writers~exploring themes of the wisdom body via the lens of Yoga, poetry, dance, cosmic influence and life experience.
This is samantha’s Substack. https://samanthacameron.substack.com/p/sea-and-sky-at-vespe
All classes are hybrid. If you can’t make class, go to my youtube channel and partake: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9A14kJKdAmsfU7qg0-HRHQ
contact Samantha for information & invitation: samcatcam@gmail.com
Wednesdays 5:30 PM- ET Hybrid Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level
Saturdays 9AM-ET Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level
Pilates Classes are taking a vacation until Sept.
Contact Samantha- samcatcam@gmail.com
A Shakti Yoga Dance Teacher Training is where toes in the pose create the sacred and sublime, informing you how to expand and dance your Yoga, while learning to create the ‘ Wisdom Body’. Discover and share your unique gifts from richly layered movement of mudras, meditation, chakras, pranayama, music, Shakti goddesses, and Astrological energies. Your ‘Emotional Intelligence’ is activated guiding you into outer and inner healing, and passion. This is A physical Yoga with a spiritual chaser!
FOR BIRTHDAY BODIES: Dear Leo-bodies, you are beginning anew. Make it from a joyful heart, which is the best gift Leo’s offer the world….especially now. If you are writing, communicating, questioning important issues then take more time to become very clear with exactly what you wish to express. As a Leo, plus everyone from their Leo house, you/we all need applause and approval. Be the first to offer it to yourself. You do not need to look outside, waiting to be cheered on…nice as that is. Far more important YOU honor your royal self.