October 15-22


If you have not read the book, “Power VS Force” by David Hawkins, MD, PHD do so if you are interested in forms of ‘communal consciousness,’ or spiritus mundi as Hawkins called it.  He writes of the many forms of shared knowledge, both human and animal, that are achieved beyond rational consciousness.  Why is this important now?  Because with so much of life as we knew it transitioning to something else, AND with October’s multiple, powerful planetary shifts exacerbating change and transition it’s comforting to turn toward what science AND the mystics agree upon about the Self, and the nature of reality.  The seeker will find a harvest for both soul AND reason.  Which is what our dear and bloody world is so in need of now.

The simple and essential difference between power and force is love VS ego or pride.  Power is motivated by love.  Force is driven by pride.  We always hope to be motivated by courage because anything less than that makes the body weaker.  A high motivation toward excellence proceeds from spirit.  Under the ‘rulership’ of power, we are to manifest all the excellence of which we are capable.  It is the endeavor rather than the personal accomplishment that raises our vibration. These ideas are very un-American, and not easily understood or practiced.  But practice we must if our world is to change and survive.

During October, our levels of consciousness, or energy fields, are drop-kicking into forward quick step, after a long spring and summer of held back, repeat, ‘no that won’t work’- retrogradation.  In order to move jauntily into fall, I hope you took time these past months for review, and reconsideration of basically every aspect of your life.  If so, you now have a deeper awareness of where you are to access your updated ‘power-GPS.’

The simplicity in the following advice may stand you in good stead, improve your manners, and elevate chances of success:

  1.  With warrior Mars in Libra- practice your diplomatic skills, especially with partners and other relationships. Mars is far from comfortable in Libra, a sign of its ‘detriment’ where we are often picky, peevish, and passive-aggressive.  Find balance between action and pause. Do what you can to heal and repair that which is torn and hurt in your relationships, especially the one with Self. Mars moves into penetrating Scorpio at the end of the month, when we shall not be so inclined to mind our manners.
  •  Mercury remains Retrograde in Libra until the 18th. Use these last days of introspection to prepare for the big sis-boom-bah forward leap, as ‘low mind’/Mercury blasts forward with ‘high-mind’/Jupiter.  This makes everything bigger. It will be a ‘more is more exclamatory’ forward thrust.  One of the reasons these past weeks have been an especially difficult Retrograde period is that Mercury began its reverse journey square Pluto, great lord of the underworld.  Connections between these two energies insist we dig deeper, that learning mundane technical skills requires enormous patience, and a surface band aid will not repair.  When hurt, we often must turn to the past to better understand how to assuage the present.
  • On the10th, Old Man Saturn went direct, finally completing his review period that began May 23rd.  I’m sure you have noticed that there have been huge issues with unfinished business, with plans, projects and goals that have struggled to move forward.  Saturn is the great taskmaster, seeking excellence at every level.  When Retrograde, he tries our patience, frays nerves, and exhausts us with re-do, and big demands.  But if we master patience and keep progress going, no matter how slowly, we now begin to reap the benefits of those long months of effort.  If you felt like Sisyphus rolling rocks up the hill over and over, you were in the chorus of the only dance in town.  The gifts of Saturn’s Sisyphean-struggles are patience, maturity, wisdom, and very often success.

4. I’ve saved the best for last, to leave you expectant, hopeful, and          spiritually enthusiastic.  When Jupiter goes direct on the 17th – 18th, this great rolly-polly God of a bigger world, higher faith, wiser education, abundant dreams, and over-expectation, lines up with a fixed star named, Nashira,~ ‘The bearer of good tidings.’  They meet at 22 degrees of Aquarius.  If you know where that is in your chart, you can expect that area to bubble with happier future plans. Since Jupiter magnifies what it touches, and because when a planet stations to change direction, you know by now that their energy amplifies.

  • n Roderick Kidston’s “The Magic of the Stars” he writes that the fixed star, Nashira, is good for communication.  It is oriented to the future. “It ‘prospers arty people, especially those whose artistry requires the cultivation of physical skills.”  (This is the major reason I planned the Shakti Yoga Dance Teacher Training to begin as Jupiter hit Nashira and stationed to go forward.  I’m thrilled to tell you I have a beautiful international training full of courageous teachers.)

All of this splendid shifting forward opens greater possibility toward higher vibration, along with hopeful future plans to prime the world into kinder action.  It also activates the spiritual sword of the true warrior to execute true power under the upcoming Aires Full Moon on the 20th.  This is a Full Moon of Self and other that asks we use the greater consciousness grown from past months of inner listening. Remember, no one has power over you, unless you give it to them. Yes, it’s difficult to take control when feeling attacked, or overwhelmed, but dig deep into your newly acquired ‘power skills’ – knowing that the power of love is ten thousand times greater than that of force.  You win every time you move from its center, no matter what it looks like in the world.


One space left for this amazing international training.

Dance on down immediately!




    Seeking inspiration? 

Yearning transformational creativity?

Discover alchemical power in union of dance & Yoga

Train with an international Shakti Sisterhood.

Contact Samantha Cameron:  samcatcam@gmail.com

shaktidances.com~or https://dailybreathjournal.com/event-directory/  overview of training & registration


Please let me know if I can help with sorrow, struggles or decisions to be faced.   I am a soul-centered Astrologer, working psychologically, and metaphysically.  https://dailybreathjournal.com/astro/astrological-consultations/ contact: Samantha-samcatcam@gmail.com

YOUR PRACTICE:  Can you feel the ground shifting underneath you? As big planetary shifts take place, we’ve had two and are about to experience two more- what the body seeks is stability.  What the mind seeks is the new way forward.  What the emotional body needs is safety.  What the spirit seeks is awareness of a higher vibration.  All of this is part of the Practice this week.  It’s a time to work with power, not force, to use stillness to inform the body of its next pivot, and to hold our emotional body with greater attention and tenderness.  Ain’t it grand that the mat holds possibility of such magic!!

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: You are waking up from last year’s dream to prepare large leaps into the future.  I’m sure your ideas about yourself, and where you hope to go, and to succeed  have morphed considerably.  Brava!  But there is more to come and some of it has to do with funding a deeper passion, of giving yourself permission to be a little wilder, think outside the box, and have no fear as you prepare your next hard right turn.  You have the energy and the courage to grow deeper roots as anchor to leaping higher.


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