March 1-8


A year ago we stood here- here at the door of Covid. Where were you as the tsunami was lifting its silent, destructive powers to roll over you? Personally, A year ago we were en route to teach and sing a “Spanish-Olé”.  A year ago 500,00 were yet alive. A year ago people still had jobs and businesses.  May a portion of this anniversary honor these lost lives, jobs, businesses, as well as our own profoundly transformed lives; the dreams we’ve lost, as well as new ones emerging to move us forward.  Anniversaries are moments to make sacred, to celebrate and honor a moment in time, to mark in the sand what came before, and what is yet to be. Whoooo doesn’t want to do that?

March energy does hold magic, as it releases us from much of February’s strictures.  Planets are in mentally exuberant, airy, Aquarius, AND swimming in emotional, compassionate, watery Pisces~ known as ‘the empath’.  Both are supportive of raising consciousness, and elevating the ability to imagine, visualize and create anew.  Plus, March moves us into greater mutability, a flexible bandwidth of opportunity to hear ‘The Owl Call Your Name.”  There is an easier facility in changing plans, re-evaluating, and implementing information at a higher intelligence.  Yes, we continue to deal with sudden, unexpected shocks, shifts and shot-gun plans, along with secrets coming to light.  But now, simply enjoy the shift to a lighter atmosphere, a greater awareness of ‘knowing’ something is right for you. Trust this greater wisdom that asks, “Whoooo do you wish to be? Whoooo is your spirit guide? Whooooo do you love?”

Perhaps March is ‘the Owl Month?’   We do look fluffier and cuter than we did last year.  All planets are now in forward motion, plus for the most part they play gently with one another. This is wonderful support for designing new plans and ideas that are coming on fast.  This ‘planetary-go’ is aiding the vaccine rollout, along with revelations of new Covid strains.  Pisces energies connect not only to spirit, creativity, confusion, and empathy, but to healing, and medicine.  Beware of drugs, their mixtures, and overdosing as the body is more vulnerable, and sponge-like in its receptivity.

Pisces energy can tune us into a spiritual calling, or our addictions.  We can be creative, or lost and confused. If you feel yourself slipping away, reach out, as everyone wants to help.  Plus, dialogue and exchange of ideas are supported by Mars moving into Gemini this week.  The Mars fire in airy Gemini gives force to sharing ourselves, as well as exploring unexplained phenomena. We are chatty, inquisitive, and more idea-centric. …..Whooooo doesn’t love a good chat-up?


.A  RITUAL MOMENT:  Owl-Wisdom dictates that since March is a hoot,  it’s a perfect time to create a ritual of wisdom.  Begin with an affirmation. Decide what’s the most important desire.  Make a positive, in present time, and simple statement.  It needs to be a mantra that sits on the tongue waiting to joyfully express.  Once designed to your satisfaction, repeat it often with emotion, visualize the outcome as done.  Express your gratitude.

The PRACTICE: With Pisces watery flow entering our bodies, we are more tired, we tend to be a bit lost, and feel less drive. Let’s honor that with a Practice supporting a deeper inner flow, and a connected creative spiritual oneness.  Yes, we can be a bit Aquarian koo-koo, for laughter, as it is the great healer, and we are now all in the business of becoming healers.  Let’s renew our ‘mat magic’ and offer breath, bone and muscle up for renewal.  Let us invite the outside in, and the inner life opportunity to embrace the outer.

BIRTHDAY MARCHING ORDERS:  You are renewing your solar energy with a spiritual chaser.  Feel yourself inspired to take on greater creativity, as you have the Martian energy to back up your intentions. Take time out to nurture self, as this year will move swiftly.  It will be helpful if you plan ahead, developing your wisdom-craft from high mind and low mind, the practical and the unexplainable.  You have access to both.


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