Une Bonne Anniversaire of Being

Today, in honor of my birth, I’m doing a most difficult task, I’m taking time out to honor myself, to question how/if this year has created essential changes within, and question yet once again; What meaning does this life have? Have I risked enough these past months? Am I on the correct path? Is there a ‘correct path?’ Where is it going? How much control do I actually have?

I am not holding my breath. I remain nonplussed, that is to say ‘confounded’ by life. I do understand that it is a process in which ‘becoming’ is the job at hand. To that end, the important things I have witnessed from this year are:
I am becoming Yoga, rather than doing Yoga. More and more I’m allowing it to live in all parts of my being, not just the teaching, or doing Asana. It is becoming the breath, the bread, the balancing sustenence.
Through the practice of Daily Breath, I am willing to wear the mantle of writer, whether published or not.
I profoundly feel my connection to earth, to her cycles, her brown heartbeat, her golden moon and silver stars, her warmth of sunlight, the weight of gravity… I open my eyes wider to see her multitude of gifts offered in any moment.
I’m acknowledging that my greatest choreography is the dance of love & friendship. Pointing my toes is grand, but dancing the light fantastic with someone I love is the greatest dance there is.

Asana: Visvamitrasana/one arm, one leg full side extension. Standing in a ‘short dog,’–Adho Mukha with hands 4-5 ‘ in front of feet, lift R leg up and over R arm. Turn and open torso to L, placing L arm on side, then lift it up, gaze up. Press L soul of foot down, extend R leg far as possible over R arm, use your abdominals. This is a wonderful birthday pose for it feels you are in flight as you open out. It demands strength and flexibility, two great assets as we command the years.

Health Notes: It strengthens wrists, arms, legs, and abdominals, while demanding groin, hip and hamstring flexibility.

Astrology Notes: We are in Venus ruled Taurus territory, whose symbolic animal is the bull: Venus is earth’s closest neighbor and is called ‘earth’s sister’ for in physical aspects they are similar, despite their temperatures and timing to be quite different. Venus rules both Taurus (feminine) and Libra (male). In Taurus, she comes as Aphrodite, giver of life’s pleasures, and beauty.

Ayurvedic Notes: Many Taureans have strong Kapha Doshas, and struggle with weight often because they love their sweets, and prefer to lounge. Remember Kapha combines water and earth, Taurus is earth, and often both have strong structures, and stability. Psychologically, Kapha works with the emotions, and when in balance expresses with love calm and tenderness, like the best of Taurus.


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