Baddha Natarajasana

Asana: Baddha Natarajasana/Dancer Pose Begin standing, Tadasana, reach the R arm back as you bend R knee, lifting R leg back. Turning R thumb up, reach that hand back, clasping inside of R foot, and strongly use hamstrings to press leg back and up, thigh parallel to floor, or higher, if possible.  Extend L leg deeply into earth through your tap root, pulling energy up.  Extend L arm forward and up, lifting the chest.  Stand and breathe, feeling your luminous self appear. Do both sides.        This Pose is a lovely expression of joy in action, a place where we feel light, and dance with the cosmos as we stand still and strong.

Health Notes: This pose works balance, leg strength, and thigh extension. For some, it will stretch the lower back area. It opens the chest, promoting deep breathing.


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