
Adho Mukha Svanasana~Down Dog

Asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana-Down Dog~The most beloved of all poses possibly because it assists the body so many ways at once, plus you can move into any pose from here, making it a master-sequencing link. It is the core of Surya Namaskars/Sun Salutations, the core of most Practices. You can move into it from Tadasana, or Utkatasan by folding over and taking a large step back, hands to floor by feet, then step the other leg back.  Lift hips up and back, press heels to floor.  Or, Another easy way to move into Adho Mukha is either through a Sun Salutation, or from lying on the stomach, bringing palms beside chest, fingers forward, on exhale, lift abdomen and hips, then push back into heels, lengthening arms, spine, and hamstrings. Sitts Bones to heaven, back of the the neck-soft and long, shoulder blades down the back toward the hips, fingers spread, with energy moving out into tips, not wrists, arms feel like they are squeezing a big beach ball. Remain for a minute, feeling intelligent and wide open to new points of view. Keep it simple and powerful.  Be present to moving into every corner of the body.  Perhaps you yearn to have a better Adho Mukha/Down Dog?  Fine, let it fire you towards greatness. But do not disdain, read judge, where you are in the Pose at this moment.  Let it be your master. Now howl for all you are worth, becoming God-like in your Dog-like Pose. Health Notes: Adho Mukha is great for warming, stretching, strengthening, and bringing the brain below the heart.  It tones abdominals, strengthens and stretches ankles, hamstrings, shoulders, and arms. The heart rate slows, helping with fatigue, and arthritis, especially in the shoulder girdle.  And like all upside down poses, it is ‘happy making.’

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Adho Mukha Vrksasana~Handstand Pose

Like all inversions, handstands are wonderful for happiness and confidence.  Make sure arms and shoulders are strong enough to support you before attempting.  One way to enter the pose is to move from Down Dog, placing fingertips 1-2 inches from the wall, and spread wide.  Without moving hands, rotate upper arms out and up. fingers wide. Step into it on R, kick up with L leg, bringing feet together, extending heels to heaven. Lift belly up, connecting abs and legs, keep ribs in line, the lower back is long, and weight and energy move out into fingertips, which helps you to not drop into the lower back.  Do not drop weight into the shoulder girdle and neck.  You can either let the head hang and set Drishti/ focus, at end of mat or lift head and focus between the hands.  This is an easier Drishti for balance.  Remember~ eyes wide open at all times, breath long and slow. Stay in the pose as long as arms and shoulders are comfortable, and breathing is normal.  When ready to dismount, bring one straight leg down at a time, with as much control as possible. Do the other side, making sure you practice stepping in and kicking up with both legs taking their turn.  One side is always much easier than the other. As you become more adept, or you may simply find it easier to jump up from a wide Goddess position, bringing bent knees in toward abdominals, then extending legs up. Health Notes:  Like all inversions, Adho Mukha Vrksasasana is wonderful for changing a point of view, increasing confidence and happiness, helping with stress. Physically, it strengthens wrists, arms and shoulders, and brings greater balance.It should not be practiced if you have high blood pressure, or  pregnant. Check with your doc first.  And you may be uncomfortable if you are… Read more »

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Fire Log Pose This is a pose easy for those with open hips.  It’s a killer accomplishment for those without.  It’s a simple pose of sitting and breathing your desire to become more hip-open, and it’s helpful if you can sit on padding.  Sit tall, bringing L foot under R thigh, outside hip line.  Stack R leg on top of L, leaving R ankle outside L knee, (sole perpendicular to floor) with L heel beside R hip. Ergo the fire log look of the pose, an open cross-legged stack.  Depending on hip flexibility, move legs forward, away from hips, maintaining their stack.   You can forward fold  on exhale, but don’t drop into the belly.  Lengthen lower back and belly up and out in seated stretches. <strong>Health Notes:</strong> This is primarily a hip and groin opener, but it can lead to a stronger back if you sit for longer periods.  It can be helpful for Sciatica, and spine, insomnia and stress, unless you are stressed by not being able to sit in the pose, then give it up and find another, happier way in to opening your hips until the day comes –you conquer, and honor this acomplishment. <strong>HIP PRIMER</strong>: (All of the following poses, with full directions, some with drawings, can be found under YOGA, then hit POSES, then Stretches, on the website.)   When hips are tight, tackle this pose in tiny bites by conquering other hip openers first.  Start by sitting simply with legs crossed in <strong><em>Sukhasana</em>, Sweet or Easy Pose,</strong> or with soles of feet together pulled in toward groin, <strong><em><a title=”Baddha Konasana” href=”” target=”_self”>Baddha Konasana</a></em></strong><a title=”Baddha Konasana” href=”” target=”_self”>. </a><strong><em>Janu Sirsana</em>na</strong> is another good hip primer, or lie on back to ‘<strong>thread the needle’</strong>. Placing L foot over R knee, pulling R knee back toward chest.  Then there is… Read more »

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Akarna Dhanurasana

Bow & Arrow Pose Asana Akarna Dhanurasana- Bow & Arrow pose, or Toe to Ear Pose. This is a seated pose for Cupid of the long of hamstring.  Sit with legs extended, hold both big toes between thumb, index & third fingers, or use a strap. Exhaling bend L elbow & knee, pulling L foot back as close to L ear as possible, like an archer pulling back a bow string.  Keep R leg extended on floor, with fingers around big toe.  Hold several breaths, then extend and straighten L leg, lifting higher, bring to ear again, if possible.  Release gracefully to do other side. Health Notes: This pose makes for flexible hamstrings, opens hip joints, strengthens abs and lower back, and helps you poop by contracting abdominals.

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Ananda Balasana

Happy Baby Asana: Ananda Balasana/Happy Baby. As you lie there, staring at the sky, feet and knees pulled back, tail bone pressing into the earth. Rock side to side and consider the Universe in which you find yourself .  Let awareness flood the body for all that you are learning, all that you have to be happy about, all that lies ahead, all you have already become.  Bow to the mother who agreed to connect her soul to yours.  Bow to the soul within. Health Notes: Lengthens spine, opens groins, and when smiling, beckons contentment and gratitude, creating the healthiest bodies.

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Ardha Chandrasana

Half Moon Pose Asana: Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon Pose.  Begin from the long low side stretch of Utthita Parsvakonasana/Extended side Angle Pose.  As you lift up and out, over the R leg, balancing, with the R arm, parallel to that leg, feel yourself lifting into your dreams, opening your heart to the moon, to that feminine Self within that holds and nurtures your dream-space, no matter the disappointments. Health Notes: When we lose our ability to dream, or to renew lost dreams, we lose our juice, and thus begins the slide away from life. Ardha Chandrasana, strengthens leg muscles and increases balance.

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Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Lord of the Fish Pose Asana Ardha Matsyendrasana/ Half Lord of the Fish Pose. There are many variations to this pose, and its simplicity can carry you deeply into your core.  Sitting with legs out, bend the L knee and bring the foot to the R hip, or lift the hips and sit on the heel.  Keep the foot horizontal.  Bending the R knee, place R foot by the L knee, shin perpendicular to floor.  Turn 90 degrees into the R thigh. Place L armpit over R knee, exhaling strongly.  If you are supple enough, bind the pose by clasping hands behind back.  Continue twisting in with each exhale, lengthening the spine on inhale. This is a great pose to to wring out the old, and invite the new, especially if you add Kapalabhati Pranayama, also known as skull-shining breath.  This breath is not only a cleansing agent, especially powerful for the digestive system, as well as the Third Eye, it also generates warmth, oxygenating the blood. Health Notes: This pose helps with lumbago, back aches, (and stiff necks to some degree.) Internal organs are toned and enlivened, especially the liver, spleen, and to some degree, the intestines.  If practiced regularly, it aids in bladder and prostate health.

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Eight Crooks Pose Asana: Astavakrasana– Eight Crooks Pose, dedicated to the sage Astavakra. Begin with feet about 20 inches apart, knees bent, R hand on floor between feet and L hand on outside of L foot.  Lift belly and bandhas to bring R leg over R arm, resting thigh on back of bicep, above elbow.  Extend L leg out between arms, closer to R hand.  Cross L ankle over R, locking the legs together. On exhale, lift legs off floor, extending them off to R side, squeezing R upper arm between thighs. Bend elbows, bringing torso forward until it parallels floor.  To release pose, straighten arms, lift torso, uncross and release legs, lower them to floor.  Do other side. Health Notes: The pose may be ‘crooked’ but it puts us on a strong path toward powerful arms and legs.  As in all arm balances, the wrists, shoulders and abdominals are engaged and strengthened.  We start to perceive ourselves as more daring and fearless as we step up to partner more difficult aspects in our Practice. When we practice dying, we straighten out, lie serene and flat, crooks, turns and twisted parts open.

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Baddha Konasana

Cobbler’s Pose Asana: Baddha Konasana/Cobbler’s Pose.  Sit on the floor, drawing the feet closely into the groin, soles together, knees on, or toward floor.  Lengthen spine, and gaze ahead, or close eyes.  Hands can rest on knees, or come into any mudra desired. You can also lengthen spine up and over legs, and restore while stretching spine. Health Notes: This is a calming, restorative pose, wonderful  for and before meditation, and Pranayama. It is also beneficial for relieving sciatica, and urinary disorders, as blood is stimulated to flow easily to kidneys, bladder, ovaries, and prostate.  It helps prevent hernia, assists when there is irregular menses, and eases pain of childbirth, if practiced regularly beforehand. It also helps prevent varicose veins in a pregnancy.

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Baddha Natarajasana

Asana: Baddha Natarajasana/Dancer Pose Begin standing, Tadasana, reach the R arm back as you bend R knee, lifting R leg back. Turning R thumb up, reach that hand back, clasping inside of R foot, and strongly use hamstrings to press leg back and up, thigh parallel to floor, or higher, if possible.  Extend L leg deeply into earth through your tap root, pulling energy up.  Extend L arm forward and up, lifting the chest.  Stand and breathe, feeling your luminous self appear. Do both sides.        This Pose is a lovely expression of joy in action, a place where we feel light, and dance with the cosmos as we stand still and strong. Health Notes: This pose works balance, leg strength, and thigh extension. For some, it will stretch the lower back area. It opens the chest, promoting deep breathing.

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