Salamba Sarvangasana/Shoulder Stand

This is a ‘Mother of a Pose,’ according to Iyengar, as it supports and nurtures the entire body.  Begin by lying on your back, bend the knees and pull them into the stomach as you exhale.  Lift hips up off the floor on the next exhale, supporting hip with your hands if needed.  Continue lifting legs and hips straight overhead, pulling the elbows in line with shoulders, hands in middle of back, keep weight off the neck.  Exhale, extending legs and feet strongly, connecting the abdominal support to legs for added extension.  Remain for a minute at first, working up to five, then ten.  Keep breathing even and soft.  When ready to dismount, either bring knees in to chest and roll down the spine, or take feet over head into Halasana/Plow.

Salamba Sarvangasana is a pose supporting harmony within.  It can be used as a panacea for many ills as it supports the endocrine system, which absorbs nutrients in the blood, secrete hormones.  It relates directly to the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck area, soothing the nerves, helping with headaches, nasal congestion, asthma, breathlessness, colds and throat ailments, as well as insomnia, anxiety, and hypertension.  In going up side down, it supports proper elimination, freeing toxins that create constipation, therefore giving the body greater energy.  It also aids urinary and uterine disorders, menstrual issues and hernia.  It may help in relieving epilepsy and anaemia.  Clearly spending a few minutes a day in this ‘Mother of all poses’ will repair and heal much of what modern life tears down.

To make Salamba Sarvangasana a restorative pose, place the hips on a bolster, or block, and extend legs in the air.  Or place the bolster or block against the wall, sit sideways, with legs up the wall, and roll up onto your support.  For total surrender, tie the legs together, open the arms out, close your eyes and visualize the healing and repair your body asks.  Breath into that, using a kumbakh, or short hold, at the end of each inhale and exhale, also make the exhale 2-3 counts longer, releasing toxins. Surrender to the peace, and quiet space within.


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