Inspirations: Chest Openers


Bird Drinking Raindrops Pose  Kapinjalasana/Bird Drinking Raindrops Pose, or a mundane Partridge, one that lives on raindrops and dew.  Nice.  Iyengar writes that it is a cross between Vasisthanasana and Padangustha Dhanurasana, an extreme Bow Pose.  Enter it from Vasisthanasana, with body turned sideways to R, balancing on outer edge of R foot and R hand. On exhale, bend L leg back and reach back with L hand, grabbing big toe, or ankle.  Now rotate L elbow and shoulder to bring arm up and over, pulling L leg higher toward the back of head.  To exit pose, release L foot, extend it over R and turn over into plank pose.  I recommend pulling back into Child’s Pose to rest between sides as this is an extreme effort. Health Notes: This pose makes for strong wrists and arms.  It stretches shoulders and chest, along with thighs and back.  As in all arm balances, the abs are strengthened. This is not a superficial Pose, and with its practice, soul food is tasted.

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