Inspirations: Archives

To Big Daddy On His Big Day

How big does our ‘Big Daddy’ live within us? How did his dreams forge our days? Have we come to terms with his mythos? Do we hear his voice in our own? When that young man, freckled and feckless or freckled and faithful, decided to have a child, was he ready? Or did he haplessly create life unconsciously, sweetly, accidentally, remorsefully, angrily? We, in our turn, continue that sacred ancestral dance: mother/father-child,father/mother-child. How do those patriarchal-steps go? Be we fathers or not, if we cannot find a way to have our father live handsomely within, we cannot change the patriarchal two-step and it becomes impossible to enter either the outer world, or the inner as the good king, the good husband of the feminine. Without Daddy holding correct alignment in our psyche, we struggle to understand true power, to feel success of our relationships, or to attain ‘peership,’ for these constitute the role of true fathering. “Big Daddy” energy leads the successful way out only when our full relationship with him dwells consciously within. Bringing that tangled relationship to the light of understanding is a lifetime’s ‘onion- work’, peeling layers year by year. Few of us have the dreamed-for-father, and I suspect those that do, have as difficult a time as those with impossible fathering. Cutting that over-sweet, binding, umbilical cord can be as daunting as for those with the fathers they never thought to choose. It is our responsibility to bring them into inner alignment so we do not spend our adult days arguing, fighting, resisting, weak, blind, chewing away at the old childhood relationship. This Father’s Day, as we face our fathers, alive or not, as we call the myth of the father we have created, let us practice our Yoga… be still and accepting, breathe belly-breaths, become… Read more »

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