Weekly Astrology

July 21-28


Wisdom Body Notes for July 21- 29 by Samantha Cameron

Kahlil Gibran wrote, “Work is love made visible” which might be a perfect mantra for the force of July’s Full Moon of the 21st.  As all Full Moons reveal, uncover, and open the emotional body to explore in particular ways, this ‘anarectic’ -29 degree Capricorn-Beacon explores the territory of family, of mother/father, of deeper understanding and use of power, empathy, intuition, boundaries, agency and construction.  The Moon is ruled by the karmic ‘Father of Time,’ Saturn.  The Sun, in Cancer, is ruled by the Moon.

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June 28-July 15


Cosmic energies of wisdom to support the swim through summer months

Wisdom Body Notes ~June 28-July14  by Samantha Cameron

Coming off the hotsy-totsy drama of the Solstice confluence of planetary uplift, we turn to summer’s slow-down, due to big planets stopping the forward flow to turn within/retrograde.  These coming months will ask us to be more thoughtfully wise and patient as we open to the possible/impossible, the known/unknown, the wonder within along with the deceit that prevails.  Listening to your intuition and heart is/are the best GPS.  Grow quietly observant of unexpected guidance, as well as duplicity, chicanery and outright lies.  If we were moving at the high speed we drove in the first months of ’24, when all planets sailed direct, we would be in trouble. Yes, patience will be tested.  Yes, we will have heightened confusion as the status quo continues its big shifts.  BUT as Lao Tzu (who founded Taoism between 500-400 BCE.) wrote, “At the center of your being you have the answer.  You know who you are and you know what you want.”

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June 20-30

Solstice Light

Solstice Light

How does the earth stop?

The sun, shine its longest firmament of light?

We reach to hold this mystery

In rituals lost to time

Re-learning ancient rites.

Oh, let us tumble down the green hill in laughter

Surrendering all we are

Speaking languages of love,

Renewing primal wisdom

Longing for it all.

Wisdom Body Notes ~June 20-30 by Samantha Cameron

As Solstice energies go, this one holds great promise of golden love and heart- connections, here to help us balance summer’s confusion, speed and high volume.  As many of you know, the Summer Solstice chart sets the Sun at the opening degree of watery, emotional Cancer, and reveals what energies will bloom and what will fade in the coming three months of sweet summer madness….and madness some of it will be.  All Solstice and Equinox are energetic gateways offering a portal for downloading celestial energy that affects DNA, and consciousness. In the northern hemisphere, we shift from winter’s yang to yin.  In the southern hemisphere, the change is from yin to yang as winter enters.   Wherever we live, the Solstice invites us to grow awareness that we are light bodies, and that these threshold times are invitations to come home to soul-self.

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June 14-28


Wisdom Body Notes by Samantha Cameron, June 14-28

As we stand at the threshold of summer, what are the energies you wish to embody in the coming three months?  How have you grown since the beginning of this year?  Why have you changed, and what has it served?  Who enters the Solstice portal with hope?  Who with fears?  To enter one of the year’s four major crossroads, it’s wise to pause, take stock of the past in order to change the future.  It is the deep breath that pauses action, refreshes the mind and feeds intuition. 

On June 20th, the Astrologic energies turn from lively, mental, Gemini to enter sensitive, emotional Cancer, offering a conduit of understanding in how we might nurture the emotional body from what we have learned. The Summer Solstice marks a time of planting, with high hopes for a good harvest.  The question is, what are you planting?  What seeds of hope are you investing in?  Will your harvest truly nurture you, as well as others? Transforming is a life’s work that takes place in each moment of every day, from tiny, dedicated steps that consciously decide how best to be in the moment.  Helping this ‘choosy-wisdom’ is lovely 20-20 hindsight that provides a tablescape of insight from bad choices, courageous intentions, well-planned moves, and trashy adventures. To help our onward, upward trajectory, here’s a very brief review of June’s energies that may support better summer choices.

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June 1-10


To change one’s life: do it flamboyantly.  Start immediately.  No exceptions.”

William James

Wisdom Body Notes by Samantha Cameron for May 31-June 10

As we enter the high months of summer, our magical cosmos bestowed a gift from the great fixed star, Aldebaran who joined forces with the Sun May 30th. To those who have waited a long political-time for right resolution for a man who stokes insurrection, funds illegal financing, and promotes violence, we are indebted to Aldebaran whose energy captured ‘he who is illegal and ethically immoral.’ The fixed star Aldebaran is one of the four ‘Royal Stars’, or guardians of the galaxy.  In Persia 5,000 years ago, it was considered one of the most important stars in the sky, marking the fiery red eye of the Taurus Bull.  Called ‘Watcher of the East,’~ Al Dabaran, It marked the Vernal Equinox at that time.  The Arabs called it ‘The one who followed the Pleiades.’  The other three Royal Stars are Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut, each marking a Solstice or Equinox.

Through time, this great fixed star has carried strong but mixed energetic messages, from the integrous use of right will, steadfast eloquence and true courage, along with a charismatic ability to influence others, to its violence, anger, and desperado tactics of danger.  It is especially dangerous when the ambition of the ego outweighs the ethics.  It was considered the ‘leading star of stars, inflaming quarrels and injury as well as success, riches and honor.  Astronomically, its designation is Alpha Tauri, making it a ‘Bullish Star’ and therefore very physical, enhancing courage as well as intellectual vigour.  “When used well, it enhances trust, strength of will and determination.” Its ancient archetype was a ‘beacon fire’ guiding you to the right place. It therefore ‘illuminates the darkness.’  But if you make shortcuts, are careless, steal, or are unethical in using your power, Aldebaran takes you down.  “Right intention and right action are all important with this star.”  (Information from Roderick Kidston’s “The Magic of the Stars.)

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May 20-30


Gemini goats problem-solving to share food and fun! 

Wisdom Body Notes May 19-30 by Samantha Cameron year’s 

We rise from Taurus’ deep dive, morphing from body to brain as the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th. This year, the usual placid Taurus energies were highly elevated, disturbed, and loud so now we turn to question what is it all about, and how have we changed?  Gemini, sign of the twins, one light, one dark, previously symbolized by Castor and Pollux, offers opportunities to understand and use the large shifts and chaos we have experienced.  The Twins love to solve puzzles with odd yet gratifying answers.  It loves to work with others problem-solving to share answers.  We also have the assistance of the incoming Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd to open the minds ever wider to an expansive expression of the transformative process we are undergoing.

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