The Transmission

Love is its own witness
Present in every moment.
It is for us to open,
Accepting this opportunity to offer another
Soulful silent essence to stand as witness,
Surrendering all. Embracing all. Declaring all.
Here, we guard the sacred
Creating Grace to hold what is,
Guide to what shall be
Led by wisdom’s heart.
The longing met.
We are presently preparing for big mind and heart implosions under the Leo Full Moon, Wed. 12. It shall open heart and mind with a huge ‘transmission’ from Uranus, as the great sky god T bones Sun in quirky Aquarius and Moon in heart held Leo. This extreme of strongly held squared off forces may offer game changing information for some, and/or deeply emotional wallops to another. If you’re quite fortunate, you get both. As we are already being ‘sparked’ by its energies, pay attention to what and who are challenging you and how you might wish to respond. It’s oh so wise to plan now as this is a Full Moon of sudden shock and awe, erratic surprise and chaos. When the passionate fires hit, you will not have time to plan a responsible response.
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Astrological Consultations
From 25 years as a practicing Astrologer, I offer perceptive, psychological, planetary insights into your life. Reading your chart is akin to reading the soul’s choices on taking an incarnation. It is a blueprint of your past, present, and future. It speaks of your potential, and your fears, your talents, and your foibles. Our session offers a toolbox to awaken greater consciousness and intuition. Understanding your individual cycles and symbols helps you know who you really are, AND what you came here to do.