Inspirations: Archives

The Artisan’s Rose

The Artisan’s Rose “Hephaestus, fashion me as a summer’s rose That fears not winter. Guild my thorns fine as Aladdin’s scimitar, Matching the inner lip of the Crescent Moon. Curve my petals not as an artist creates dreams, Rather as You, my artisan, Soft-hammers gold into rabbit bites of love. Mold me from the white heat of this day So my butter-petals will slide off, And I will surrender all this glory Gratefully, at vesper light.” Asana: Choose a pose, or craft a series of Asanas that make you feel as fine, and beautiful as a favored rose. Feel your colors, your scent, your leaves & stem opening/surrendering to summer’s heat. Health Notes: Ayruvedically, we are in Pitta territory; time to cool our jets, not over-schedule, over-stimulate, stay up late, or push the river. Rather, be in the river, of the water. Practice slow Asanas, and Pranayama. Take time for massage, or at least self-massage with cooling coconut oil. Eat meals at regular times, preferably cool, heavy, dry foods, with sweet, astringent, or bitter tastes. Reduce salt and oily foods.

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