Inspirations: Archives

Raw To Life

We like grooves. The groove is known, dependable, and requires minimal upkeep. Woe unto us if we remain in the groove. But wait! Isn’t a groove all about warm, soft, honey-home contentment of the known: The shoes that fit our feet, the face that fits our persona, the habit that makes us likeable, the automatic smile surrendering our power? Making something ergonomically fit until we are ‘it’ makes us prey. You could name it the ‘me’ or ‘mine’ prey, when our helio-centric hero/heroine becomes the be-all of the only face you’ll ever see. Nothing wrong with that face unless it’s grown from a groove that it can’t leave. This is dangerous territory, because some lives are meant to be lived in a sweet groove. They are ‘resting lives’ when we recover and rest up for the next round. They are lives well earned and hard fought. All honor. Most lives here are not meant to be in resting poses. We win a lottery ticket to earth in order to learn. Fabulous, but not groovy. Groovy moments waiting for the next curve ball is the best most can hope for. There are many conundrums to these thoughts, like the human condition…confusing. One of these is that most of us work hard to bring our various ‘faces’ into a single alignment, the one for whom there is praise and gold. When we finally subdue our other recalcitrant faces, read ‘not-self faces,’ faces we consider non-cool personas, we hope they never return to un-balance our groovy apple cart. The problem with the fabulous, read applause, face is that it becomes drunk on power and takes over, thinking it is ‘the one.’ And absolute power corrupts absolutely. That face does not want the ugly, the weird, or fearful faces to…show their face. As the… Read more »

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