Inspirations: Archives

Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon The moon made the sky round Then plummeted down Through inky blackness, Over streams of geese, Shredding vaporous cloud. She stopped We rose, Hand in hand, Toward her standstill light. Two shadows lifting off the hill, Chagall’s night lovers, Rising on dreams Suspended in longing From many moons attended Waiting harvest Coming this night. Asana: Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon Pose. Begin from the long low side stretch of Utthita Parsvakonasana/Extended side Angle Pose. As you lift up and out, over the R leg, balancing, with the R arm, parallel to that leg, feel yourself lifting into your dreams, opening your heart to the moon, to that feminine Self within that holds and nurtures your dream-space, no matter the disappointments. Health Notes: When we lose our ability to dream, or to renew lost dreams, we lose our juice, and thus begins the slide away from life. Ardha Chandrasana, strengthens leg muscles and increases balance, and when we open to its fullness, perhaps, it helps us dream again.

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