Does anyone love doing what they have to do? How do you do that? I can do what I have to do…sometimes, often grudgingly. I can always manage to do what I want to do. Having been superbly controlled as a child, I find discipline to be a thing of no small horror. I want to change, have tried to change, it is time, I must change. Wayward ways—-Be Gone! My new contract is with enacting ritual, instead of discipline. I’m calling a sow’s ear a silk purse, and as I drop my coin of the realm into its silky interior I pray it holds. Rituals speak of magic, of transformative elixirs, and beauty. Discipline is Saturn’s hold of being burdened in responsibilities and hard work. Hmmmm let’s see, which one do I love? Perhaps I need only turn ten degrees to the left to see that what I loath can be/is a thing of beauty? Is my mind that powerful? It can be, despite my lax and loathsome ways. My job, no my opportunity, to create renewal lies before me. I can choose to make a ritual of taking vitamins, drinking water, eating vegetables, doing paperwork. Each time I choose with attention and love, which is all ritual requires, my energy connects me to the task with joy, and expansive gratitude. When marching under discipline’s guidance, I do these things because I should. My energy in doing so obeys, and shrinks, feeling controlled. Which of these nurture and take my body into health? We are all aware of other’s energy, if not our own, even if it doesn’t come to full consciousness. You know instantly the moment someone is happy in helping, and when they do it because they feel obliged. Our energies are powerful and pervasive, and I… Read more »
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