As some of you know, I am creating a performance piece for Black Womanhood at the Davis Museum. Part of this exploration has been to re-weave my life back into that of my ancestors, known and unknown, black, white, and brown. My thoughts have traveled and woven around ancestors, both of blood and of choice, those teachers and mentors whose spirits run deep in my veins. Of course when one is wrapped in the energy of something, those things connected to it tend to fall out of books, off shelves, are uttered from the mouths of strangers….the great mysterious synchronicities of the Universe. It keeps us all believing in angels, no? When this page of nine ‘essential truths,’ that I named ‘Caffalisms,’ after Allan’s teacher/mentor, fell out of an old book, I took it as a sign that I might share it with you. I also took it as a sign that I needed to review, and re-vitalize these profoundly essential ideas within myself once again. I’m going to take myself to the mat to read and breathe, and hold each juicy thought in my heart before I take on the rest of my day. YOU? CAFFALISMS…..or Nine Essential Truths 1 ENERGY IS INDESTRUCTABLE, IT ONLY CHANGES FORM. 2 ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT IMMEDIATLY AND SIMULTANOUSLY. 3 GROWTH CAN ONLY TAKE PLACE THROUGH CHANGE. 4 CHANGE IS THE RESULT OF MOVEMENT BETWEEN THE ACTIVE AND RECEPTIVE FORCES. 5 THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS, ONLY THE CIRCUMSTANCES DIFFER. 6 SUFFERING IS A RESULT OF ATTACHMENT TO THE DESIRE THAT THINGS BE DIFFERENT THAN THEY ARE, OR DIFFERENT THAN THEY WERE. 7 WISDOM IS THE PRODUCT OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPTANCE OF PAST ECPERIENCES–BEHIND WHICH THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT TO THE WISH THAT THE EXPERIENCES SHOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. IT LETS GO OF IDEAS,… Read more »
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