Whatever you feel is missing in your life can become your motivation now. Stand still and feel the cells of your body as a multitude of tiny vessels listening, waiting to be filled. How do you wish to fill them? Is it a choice, or does happenstance win out? Our consciousness is a vast filtering system, which is turned off, or down, most of the time. When on, our system chooses healing, joy, sharing, productivity. When off, anything that rubs up against us flows through. If you noticed toxic wastes seeping into your blood stream would you not do something? How many hours of TV violence slip through filling those precious vessels? We are never at a loss for garbage. It seeps in under the radar in an ongoing multitude of manner. Suddenly we find ourselves sick, depressed, tired, angry; on overload with un-chosen poop. Empty out. Start again. Be in that moment between breaths. Go back to standing still, visualize a conscious filtering screen around you. Becoming aware of every thought, event, action, that does not promote joy and well-being. Slowly feel your vessel fill with luminous life force. Asana: Baddha Natarajasana/Dancer Pose is a lovely expression of joy in action, a place where we feel light, and dance with the cosmos as we stand still and strong. Begin standing, Tadasana, reach the R arm back as you bend R knee, lifting R leg back. Turning R thumb up, reach that hand back, clasping inside of R foot, and strongly using the hamstrings, extend R leg back, thigh as parallel to floor as possible. Extend L leg deeply into earth through your tap root, pulling energy up. Extend L arm forward or up, lifting the chest. Stand and breathe, feeling your luminous self appear. Do both sides. Health Notes:… Read more »
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