Inspirations: Archives


In the depth of darkness, what brings lightness? In days of fear, how to drink in courage? In hours of regret, what offers solace, even redemption? Oppositions require partnering. In these days of great imbalance, we must seek, and learn to partner differently so that the extremes do not win. It is a time to face off and see our partner/opponent as parts of self, with as much clarity and objectivity as possible in order to work, and come to fruitful agreements with them. It is the same with any person-partnering as well as idea/feeling collaborations. To build companionship we are required to come from loving intention, knowledge, trust, and acceptance. A ‘partner’ is simply one who takes part with another. The word is from partiner, (influenced by part;) borrowed from OF parcener, from parcon, portion. We live on a planet of polarities, we are born of masculine and feminine ‘portions.’ We must husband a large number of portions and polarities at every moment in order to survive and thrive. But what and who are these ‘portions’ we dance with, how do we come to understand our romance with them? Romance meaning idealization, a clash with reality. ( I do love that the word ‘romance’ came from ‘something written in a vulgar tongue,’ meaning not Latin.) Conscious partnering of our allies and our enemies allows for wholeness. We can no longer remain bits pieces/ portions of one, or the other. We cannot be vulgar, or romantic, rather we move forward clear-eyed and realistic, for wholeness is the demand of an adult, not youth. Wholeness is the wish of the ill to be well. Wholeness is what earth seeks as she battles back from the pieces we have torn from her. The more difficult, read more unbalanced we are in certain… Read more »

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