I watched you break last week. He said, “See Ya.” You cried, “Call me.” You stand waiting, hope frozen On memory’s landscape. Mis-shapen heart of cracks and skews How the light comes streaming through. Today, this out of blue-day They said, “See you, Services no longer required.” I watched you crumble Eight years of head-long pride Broken. Backbone snapped. Mis-shapen heart of cracks and skews How the light comes streaming through. Mayhap, next week my turn arrives My best and brightest son will die “See Ya,” he says, Marching toward his happiness. Mis-shapen heart of cracks and skews How the light comes streaming through. Asana: Akarna Dhanurasana/ Bow & Arrow pose. This is a seated pose for Cupid and the long of hamstring. Extend the L leg in front, holding the big toe in L fingers, then grab the R big toe, or the foot with the R hand and pull it back toward the R ear, thereby creating the archer’s pull of the arrow in the bow. (If you are extremely flexible, straighten the lifted leg, do not let go of the big toe. Do both sides.) Health Notes: This pose creates flexibility in the hamstrings, strengthens abs, and helps you poop. Astrologic Notes: I think it interesting that Valentine’s Day falls in Aquarian territory, an energy born in the nervous/mental system, that is more impersonal, not particularly romantic, nor that interested in one to one relationships, except as they relate to the exchange of ideas, the good of the group. It is more about the love of friends, which in no small love. Ayurvedic Notes: In relation to the extra winter heat drying our skins, and the nervous system being impacted by the loss of moisture, be aware of how much caffeine you are consuming. Caffeine affects the… Read more »
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