Twisting takes us inward. This can be either wonderful, as in a deeply cleansing Asana/Pose, or…it can be a convoluted inner angst, a nightmare of repeated wounding we inflict upon ourselves. When we are unable to release ‘old story,’ when we return time and again to defend against change, to see only the one side of the issue, to choose to be hurt by past bruises, and unresolved anger, then twisting in to re-scar that old territory, opens cankers of dis-ease and dismay. You ask, “Who in their right mind chooses that?” Not many of us when we are in our ‘right mind.’ It is when the ‘wronged mind’ takes over and can’t move on that we unconsciously, and consciously, spend too much time living past story. When it is our ‘story’ it is all too often one of regret, sorrow, and mis-deeds…be they done unto, or meted out. Twisting and breathing in NOW is not necessarily easy, but it is far more comfortable than past or future turmoils. Living in now makes it easier to view the past and see it as….well, past; gone! Done! Over! Take the lessons, see the mistakes, wash forgiveness over all, until forgiveness is unnecessary. Then twists carry us into the inner, sacred sanctum of profound physical, and emotional release. Our DNA is formed by a double helix, strands of light allowing new life to emerge from its endless twisting convolutions. Asana: Parivritta Parsvakonasana/Revolving Lateral Angle Pose. You can come into this Pose from Vira I by exhaling as you bring the arms down and across the forward knee. If the R knee is front, move the L ribs long, to try and place the entire L arm over the R thigh. Make sure the R knee remains over the R ankle, and that… Read more »
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