Inspirations: Archives

Call Me Foolish

When I cease to be a fool, hang me by my ears Until a giggle sputters forth to challenge woeful tears. If I stop all silly sounding vowels and verbs, Have the bloody pen run dry… I’ll sit in ashes on the porch where boredom waits along with port And pontificating lies. Oh Lordy Lord, don’t let me wait too late, Insensate to magic in the moon, Send me out to howl at CW’s hot-air-balloons, And rave against a world dismissive of its fools, Of lovers, Queens, and English Aunts Who make us smile because they dance on every misbegotten chance. An ego marching lock-step with others in the room Munificently speaks of dignity, and puffing up bozooms. Oh give me inanity and nonsense, lest I imitate the flock, And fear a loss of inches, never mind my stock. We precious few, we all too mortal band ‘Tis time for foolish frolic lest we lose our way—then can’t. Asana: ‘Happy Baby’ comes to mind if we have a mind for foolishness. Lie on the back, grab feet, and bending the knees draw them back toward the ribs. It is important to leave the tail bone imbedded on the floor. For some, the back of the thighs may be too tight to hold the feet, then grab the knees. Rock side to side if you wish. Either way, we happily and foolishly look like a dead bug, or a ‘happy baby.’ Health Notes: Extending the tail bone down, allowing it to lengthen, even stretch is the physical importance of this Pose. The emotional importance– is to be happy, to breathe the sweet simplicity that we assume children breathe, to stop monkey chatter and criticism for a moment, and feel life is full. Astrologic Notes: Aires folk, because of their innate leadership… Read more »

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