Inspirations: Archives

Dancing Our Rhythms

If we are each a replica of the Universe, then the nature of nature is our nature. The rhythms vibrating the seasons are simply another layer of energy analogous to the rhythms dancing our mind/body. The ancient Chinese, Indian ( east & west), and the Astrologic healing modalities all pay homage to sharing the basic elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, air, and sometimes ether. Each season has a particular rhythm section, which vary depending on the teachings, but all concur that when we are aware of particular energies vibrating a season, its vulnerabilities and strengths, we have more power to adjust our rhythms within that framework, and mine available health and healing. The following information is culled from Donna Eden’s fascinating book, “Energy Medicine,” where she interweaves her vast, eclectic knowledge of healing with the Chinese elements. She feels that, “the five rhythms approach, grounded in each person’s core bio-energies,” reveals their challenges, personality, health, even their spiritual journey. Winter Rhythm: No surprise that winter’s rhythm is the seed pod, the embodiment of our potential. Bodies that vibrate in a winter rhythm have a start-up enthusiasm, especially when they feel safe. There is a child like wonder at the newness of life, and when they trust their gut, like a new moon child, life runs more smoothly. Their strengths are envisioning and spontaneity, again the gifts of the Astrologic new moon baby. Because there is little heat from a winter sun, their energy is not suited for the long haul. They need to retreat to regenerate in order to plan the next phase. Their powers lie in having the courage to begin, in overcoming fears, and letting down their guard. As with all systems, the weaknesses hold the polarity of possible strengths. In Astrology, Chiron, the wounded healer, embodies… Read more »

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