We entered the Chinese New Year of the tiger, the metal tiger, to be specific, when we celebrated the charismatic New Moon on Valentine’s day. This New Moon of entry into the tiger’s year, packed enough juju to fill everyone’s pockets with passion. Every 12 years are Tiger years in the Chinese tradition, and they are often ones of chaotic social disorder, and change, which give birth to new understanding of power, passions, and ‘steely determination.’ The White Tiger is one of the four sacred animals of Chinese Astrology, ruling over the West, calling up symbols of competition, use of daring and strength, especially for commercial gain, and a willingness to fight for beliefs. It can also hold oppressive, and, or reactionary energy, those holding on to the status quo, VS the revolutionaries. The white metal is symbolic not only of resilience, but of wealth, and is therefore an opportune year for the entrepreneur willing to risk. It is an energy favoring new products that become accepted standards, with time. Think big! Think small! Think creatively! Those who embody their passion with dignity, their daring with an even temper, and their power, with fairness, will do well in this tiger-time. The Valentine New Moon was about stirring our passionate life, awakening deep desires of the heart. Now that seed is planted, observe it grow by thinking outside the box, pushing boundaries, and walking through fears of not being enough as you dare to act out of character. The tiger walks with you! Asana: Vyaghrasana/Tiger Pose, or Eka Hasta Vyaghrasana/One armed tiger. Begin simply breathing into the extension and contraction of Tiger. Come onto hands and knees, exhale pulling R knee in toward forehead, inhale as you extend R leg back and up. Repeat 5 times, and do other side. For… Read more »
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