Inspirations: Archives

Rethinking Thought

Science used to believe only humans had the capacity of intelligence. They also believed men smarter than women, white men smarter than brown men, and that animals could not communicate, nor birds remember. Our innate arrogance blinds us to possibility. Scientists are discovering it may simply be a matter of syntax. Like E.T., we must phone home ground rules of communication. We need to learn their language, not understand them from ours. Scientific minds, particularly, seek proof, and rightly so, but sadly many seek proof from the same P.O.V. that made them blind. We cannot see new possibility from old perspectives. We cannot solve problems from ancient approaches that got us into trouble in the first place. “I’ll believe it when I see it” is the old matrix. “I’ll see it when I believe it,” is the imagination freeing the mind for more. Liberating ourselves to live up to our most profound intelligence asks we let go of every pre-conceived, that the needed evidence for brilliant breakthroughs does not lie only within the brain’s intelligence, rather the heart’s ability to sit on top of the brain to open new portals of comparative compassion. If I see you as different, less-than, subject to inanity, I cannot see you. I certainly can’t understand you. those prejudices not only close me to you, they harden my heart, closing me to myself, keeping me from any hope of intelligence, never mind growth. Surely we can create a more formidable way of being? Perhaps become creative as a cat? Brilliant as a bird? A doggone Doctor of Dog? Asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana/Down Dog. An easy way to move into Adho Mukha is either through a Sun Salutation, or from lying on the stomach, bringing palms beside chest, fingers forward, on exhale, lift abdomen and hips,… Read more »

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