How do we give ourselves a fighting chance when the deck is stacked? How do we change someone who overwhelms the psyche? How do we fight constipated bonfires of rage, destruction, and carelessness? As usual, I have no idea, but in order to change something we must alter the energy that creates it. Therefore all seemingly enormous forces outside of self must first be addressed within. It is an opportunity to see them as part of our makeup, a mask of our mysterious spiritual-soul self. Caroline Myss, author and intuitive healer, speaks of universal archetypes, as did Carl Jung, who proposed that the collective unconscious was populated by faces of psychological patterns, such as victim, mother, trickster, or Queen. Myss feels that a combination of 12 archetypal patterns, much like the 12 houses of the zodiac, work within each of us, creating personae and personality, mainly creating shadow material from childhood as grist for our adult spiritual mill. Learning to identify these faces, or energies, observing them rise up again and again to sabotage the creative self, we begin to have a fighting chance to overcome a stacked deck. As we open perception to name our hidden subversive powers, be it contracts with the saboteur, prostitute, or innocent, we can then “invoke it, assimilate it, and express it.” * What overwhelms the psyche, is us. As Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We change us by awakening our own divine potential, liberating ourselves from childhood/societal limitations of old parental decrees. These shadow-archetypes, destructive when hidden by darkness, become our strongest ally’s when illuminated. The spiritual challenge is not to fight the constipated bonfire, first we let go the ‘old shit,’ and second, we do not sit so close to the fire that we cannot… Read more »
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